Anything involving @GrammarNazi82 and "topless" is hot. :gusta:
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The 6 man tag match between KK/MVP/Lashley and Roode/EY/Samoa Joe was pretty dope.. must've missed the Melendez inring debut, who was it against?
Forgot to mentiom there was no Spud on Impact, fuck you creative team!
On the other hand, Shaw and Brittany as a couple?
:ksi: :gusta:
Yeah, it seems that way...
I'll take Brittany, then they can have Shaw and Gunner as a couple. lol
I laughed so hard on that segment where Brittany was stalking Shaw from two weeks ago. Brittany is great entertainment, her and Shaw should be a lot of fun indeed.Brittany asking for Shaw definitely in my opinion suggest that Shaw will be going back to being a creepy heel once again. Fuck you Gunner lol and your salvation
Shaw and Brittany could be a lotta fun if booked right
Brittany asking for Shaw definitely in my opinion suggest that Shaw will be going back to being a creepy heel once again. Fuck you Gunner lol and your salvation
Shaw and Brittany could be a lotta fun if booked right
Never thought I would heat, "Fantastic" "TNA" and "Usual" in the same sentence, but now it's the reality that TNA is kicking WWE's ass in terms of product.Fantastic Impact as usual. Marry me Havok!
Never thought I would heat, "Fantastic" "TNA" and "Usual" in the same sentence, but now it's the reality that TNA is kicking WWE's ass in terms of product.