Just done watching this week's episode. It was great, as usual. Thank you, TNA. Wow, they've been putting better shows than WWE lately.
The openning segment was shit, genuinely can't stand MVP and Kenny, Lashley more-less... 'cause he's a great athlete for a man his size.
Lashley vs Dreamer was a decent match, still wish it was more hardcore.
Loved Gunner/Shaw segment, the creepy bastard is starting to show... again. Love it.
Madison Rayne vs Titty Terrell was kinda decent, wasn't really paying too much attention. I am in love with Taryn's gorgeous tits. Also, too many clotheslines by Taryn.
The 6 Man X Division Tag Match was cool. Loved it, fast pace and stuff... My goodness, Low Ki and Manik are awesome! So fn' impressed by their athleticism.
Robbie E and Spud were hysterical (aren't they always?) on this past week's episode, fucking goofballs. Love 'em.
EC3 vs Rhino was kinda meh... I get that it was supposed to be much more of a brawl, and to show the aggressive side of EC3, but it should've been executed better.
Aries vs The Great Sanada was good. They've had much better matches, but this one didn't disappoint. Man, AA's Suicide Dive was fucking cool. Really looking forward to seeing how this storyline of James Storm's 'Revolution' progresses... So far, I'm cool with The Great Sanada.
Chris Melendez's debut, well, more of his story was emotional... People like him are just inspirational.
The ME, Hardys vs The Wolves vs Team 3D was fun. These series they've got going on for 'em will be just fun to watch. Can't wait to see more!
- Can't wait for next week's episode. Roode vs EY is gonna be awesome.