Women can be extremely good athletes. Gymnasts are beasts no matter how anyone may look upon it.
They have a point. I'm giving my opinion more now without filter.
I'm more controversial. Instead of agreeing or not posting at all, I'm simply creating a buzz.
It isn't on purpose. My tact meter is currently zero. lol
It's similar to you being a grammar nazi. You hold your tongue to preserve peace.Did you get older since the change? lol Some people lose their filter more and more the older they get, haha. I think giving opinions is great. People need to do more of that and less "going with everyone else" or walking on eggshells. Might as well say what they honestly thing.
:blackmad: I needed an excuse from avoiding this place for so long.Suuuuuuure you forgot, Tsar. You posted just a couple minutes before it started. :tough:
Woooo, Snow's hero Storm!