If I've been bumming anyone too much lately it's Reigns or even J Biebs. my Brock bumming is just righti was trying to subtly say that D'Z has been bumming Brock too much lately but dm
Losing in the chamber that way (maybe more than 3 people) would be fine, but isn't the reason they don't like people winning in their hometowns because of crowd reactions? Face - "ohhhhh, this heel's gonna be so over if they beat the babyface in their hometown, lemme tell ya, brother". Heel - "If they win here, they'll get a hero's pop! We can't have that!" Brock's always been a heel that gets cheered, so don't really see why they would discourage that now.
Just assume they'll do the basic thing of Heyman saying "Welp, my guy couldn't get it done last year, so now it's time for Broccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk Lessssssssssssssssnarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to take a shot at the Streak". Yay, build.
You think Vince is returning before WrestleMania? As a babyface to be in Punk's corner? That would be fucking dreadful imo. Have Punk get the win over Hunter, then, the next night on RAW, Vince opens the show talking about a new era, without Hunter, Stephanie or Kane (Maddox can stay as cool GM). Hunter and Stephanie can return as part of the Summer angle or something with a greatly reduced role on TV.
People are assuming that the championship will be defended in the Chamber match, but I'm not sure. Obviously, if it were for the title it would include the likes of Orton (c), Punk, Cena, Brock, Bryan, etc, who will all be involved in big WrestleMania matches, so how do 5 of them take a pin/tap out just weeks before the event? Instead, I think that the Chamber match could be for the right to challenge The Streak at WM. Lesnar can win that in his hometown, and you can throw in some smaller stars such as Jericho, Sheamus, and Langston, without the likes of Punk and Orton entering because they've already lost to Taker. The authority could give Orton the night off from defending his title for some BS reason. You could have him interfere in Batista/ADR. I think that would be cool.
The chamber match has been in February for awhile now so people jobbing just barely over a month before the big show isn't really an issue for them in terms of losing credibility. Besides, Cena is Cena and would be going over Wyatt at Wrestlemania anyway, so that wouldn't matter. Punk is fighting Triple H and him being screwed out of winning the title from Orton is a way of furthering his story with The Authority, so he's protected. Bryan might not even be in the match. The Brock thing I've mentioned in an above post. The other participants could end up being undercard guys like Kofi (who has went over Orton once and is getting a decent world title push, at least at the moment) and a returning Sheamus, and they aren't top stars.
The chamber match being for a shot at the streak is interesting, but I think that's only a good idea this year if the rumored Daniel Bryan/Undertaker match comes to fruition. I try to wonder what reason Bryan would have for going up against Taker in a face/face encounter and that one could be it - he wins the chamber match that guarantees a shot at the prestigious streak.
Yeah but the possible Chamber match people are talking about would be full of their big stars and, above them, Brock Lesnar. Take this year's EC match, for example. Bryan and Kane were tag-team champions. Henry and Swagger have never been big stars. Jericho is used to job out. Much less star power so it didn't matter as much.
seriously there's no way they've even thought about this this far in. They're probably thinking about 3 "marquee" matches (Punk vs Hunter, the title match, and Undertaker) and will throw everything else together last minute. I wouldn't put it past them to have leaked this information to get the internet fans all pissed off. For as much as we claim being worked is such a bad thing, boy is it easy to work us.
Even if it is true, remember just how obvious Ziggler vs Jericho was last year?: Also, come on. Orton can't beat Lesnar at EC, they HAVE to have the Chamber as the WWE World Title match, nothing else makes sense. Plus you can't have Lesnar job and then go up against the Deadman, gtfo with dat shit
The one thing I like about this card is that the only old dude vs old dude match is Taker/Brock which oughta be awesome. Still after all they've done on their show to pull us in one direction, boy would this be the wrong thing for them to do.