5/13 Impact Discussion

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Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
This was one of the best iMPACT! shows in a while, the build up to Sacrifice was solid and I actually really liked the Abyss/Chelsea angle. Say what you want about rape angles being offensive or whatever, but this was done to try and put heat on Wolfe and I believe it succeeded. I'm sure someone out there is more interested in the Wolfe/Abyss match now because they want to see Abyss get his revenge for being framed. The only problem with the angle is there are a few loopholes, for instance, why wouldn't Desmond Wolfe get in trouble for faking a rape? You can't fake crimes, that gets you time in jail as well. Also, why did Von Erich show Hogan the footage in the bathroom and not THE COPS? And finally, apparently someone in TNA forgot the keys to the handcuffs, so if you look closely, Abyss had to actually HOLD the handcuffs himself since they lost the key. Kinda Rinky Dink if you ask me.

I enjoyed the majority of the show though, other than The Band winning the tag belts and Orlando Jordan being gay. The 4 way tag was very enjoyable, I liked the main event, and the booking of Samoa Joe continues to impress me. I'll take a show like this every week if I have to, lets hope they keep it up


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
This was one of the best iMPACT! shows in a while, the build up to Sacrifice was solid and I actually really liked the Abyss/Chelsea angle. Say what you want about rape angles being offensive or whatever, but this was done to try and put heat on Wolfe and I believe it succeeded. I'm sure someone out there is more interested in the Wolfe/Abyss match now because they want to see Abyss get his revenge for being framed. The only problem with the angle is there are a few loopholes, for instance, why wouldn't Desmond Wolfe get in trouble for faking a rape? You can't fake crimes, that gets you time in jail as well. Also, why did Von Erich show Hogan the footage in the bathroom and not THE COPS? And finally, apparently someone in TNA forgot the keys to the handcuffs, so if you look closely, Abyss had to actually HOLD the handcuffs himself since they lost the key. Kinda Rinky Dink if you ask me.

I enjoyed the majority of the show though, other than The Band winning the tag belts and Orlando Jordan being gay. The 4 way tag was very enjoyable, I liked the main event, and the booking of Samoa Joe continues to impress me. I'll take a show like this every week if I have to, lets hope they keep it up

Being framed and being ran over. They didn't really go back on that story after it happened but my guess is the reason why Hogan went after Wolfe at the end of that episode, was because Wolfe was the one who ran Abyss over. I'd rather Wolfe be doing bigger things, but this match with him and Abyss has been built up great.

The show had good continuaty too. I was trying to figure out how Lacey randomly ended up with the footage on her phone. But then I remembered TBP promo where she cut off Velvet and said she had to go to the bathroom. There weren't as many loops holes as usual. But from what Chess said earlier about Wolfe not getting in trouble for faking the assault, I'm sure they'll play it up as Abyss not wanting to press charges and get his revenge on Wolfe.


Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
I agree, this was one of the best Impacts this year. It had a great build-up to Sacrifice, it was a lot of action and wrestling, and stuff they pulled off actually somewhat made sense. I cant believe they actually had Nash cash in his briefcase though, I thought that was forgotten a long time ago. Who knows, maybe there are some clever people backstage after all. And look at that, Taylor Wilde and Sarita actually has jobs. I'd love to see them go after the KO tag-titles. If Victoria loses at the PPV (which I think she will), who should be next to go for the KO title? It would be great to see either Daffney or Hamada get a shot, as they are two womens wrestlers who can actually go in the ring.


Apr 3, 2010
Reaction score
I forgot Impact was back on Thursdays and just now watched it. It wasn't too bad. They did some good building up for the ppv. Why does something have to happen to Abyss before ppvs? Before the last ppv he gets hit by a car. This months ppv, he gets arrested for assault or rape or some shit. I'm actually glad Matt Morgan lost the tag titles. He was being built up strong, but was hurting the tag division as well.

1. What world do you live in? That's exactly how shit happens. If a girl was laid out in a parking lot with her clothes ripped up, and she said so and so did something to her, the cops will go arrest the guy right away. It's not like he's going to jail. He's going to get questioned.

2. Feast or Fired

3. Maybe to impress the big guys backstage. He has a good outing, he pins the champ, he puts himself in the title picture.

4. Adrenaline maybe? They play it off as adrenaline when someone gets their ass kicked but somehow makes a big come back. Besides, wasn't Terry low blowed? He got hit in the head with a chair before, not in the balls.

You know you're clutching at straws right?

1. The first thing the police will do is ask the medical examiner to examine the woman for signs of recent penetration and sperm before they even question the guy. And Abyss wasn't being questioned, he was being arrested.

2. Yeah we all know it's the Feast or Fired case but do you even remember how it got there?

3. Impress the guys backstage for what? TNA goes by a ranking system now so he should just appease the fans. how does facing another highly liked face makes the fans like you more?

4. Yes he was low blowed. But after that, Orlando Jordan was putting the beating on him. I concede the low blow might put him down, but Orlando Jordan putting him out?