Loving the Signature! I understand that he isn't really all that bad in ring, but his personality, whether face or heel I just hate.
Add "everything you read on the internet needs to be taken with a grain of salt" to the list.
It's easy to be caught up in stupid drama or other crap, but surely most of us when we take a step back, go for a nice mid-day jog over to the store to buy a pizza (normal people do that, right?) realize that it's just that. Stupid drama... Right?
-How to treat people better
-How everyone is different in their own way
-Online people > real people. I find I get on so much better with people I meet online than in real life.
Plus,how can you be mad when you have a good frozen pizza?
1. Americans are sloppy drunks.
2. Brits are also sloppy drunks.
3. I spend a lot of time talking with sloppy drunks.
Brita fears alcohol. Aids/deth/Danny are my sloppy drunks.
Damn straight! :win: #6 thing I've learned on here, right there. No way anybody can be mad with one! Still know some people who order Dominos because fixing a pizza themselves is too much work, but if putting a pizza in and taking it out is too much work they oughta stop chasing chicks then.