History of racist slurs going back to his time in Junior (even confirmed by his father he regularly has used them), also was making fun of COVID at the height of the pandemic while mocking fans on Twitter worried about it while everyone around him was dying. Also has been suspended before for putting hands on officials multiple times, once in junior and once in the NHL.
Was drafted in the first round and has already been traded to several teams due to being a locker room cancer despite being talented. Also got released from the Rangers after getting into a physical altercation with Gorgiev after badmouthing him after an OT loss. Legit even with him being this season nearly a point per a game as a defenseman, the Rangers after the altercation rather buy out his contract and pay him NOT to play for them rather than have them on his team.
The guy has a history of being a total prick, especially when his team isn't doing well. It will take a hell of a lot for him to be "redeemed" in my eyes and a number of fans. Genuinely, if he ever signs with the Leafs, I'd be done watching the Leafs. That's how much I dislike him and his history. It is also why I can't cheer Tony D'Angelo in NXT ever (Okay that is a joke, but maybe they should have google searched his name before giving him it).