PWI is a kayfabe mag, ALWAYS has been. There's no bias, they just push what fans are paying to see in the arenas and on TV, and that's the WWE. They're just leeching off that popularity to stay afloat.
If you are going to sort this list out by sheer business means then the top ten should be occupied by all WWE wrestlers, there arent 50 workers worldwide that outdraw the top ten WWE workers, or are as recognizable. Number 11 should be the hardest working man in the biz, Mistico, than the Puro guys who draw next, then the indy workers who have bookings all over the globe, then the spot show indy guys. TNA guys are hard to figure since 80% of TNA's shows happen in one building and the shows are free to visitors of the theme park in which that building is located. I'd probably put some luchas over TNA's top guys too since they draw larger ratings in the 20 biggest markets compared to TNA.