CM Punk said:As much as Dolph's hate's him, where's Randy Orton?
Mamma Mia Kia said:Undertaker looks great for an older man and even Hunter had a love handles for a while there.
Mick Foley looks really huggable to me, at times
Shawn had periods where he looked really great and times sort of average
Rob Terry (oops), Batista and John Cena never failed to impress me
I can literally do this for hours, so I'll stop here
Hollywood Dolph'sZiggler said:Lance
who the fuck came up with this lol
CM Punk said:As much as Dolph's hate's him, where's Randy Orton?
Mamma Mia Kia said:Hmmm, they forgot Steiner. Bad on them. I dunno, Jose, I think my reputation for being so girly on here is srsly at its limit for the day.