Beer Money Army

beth phoenix 4
Lashley 4
brian kendrick 5
Booker t 6
candice 5
carlito 5
charlie haas 5
Cody Rhodes 5
Daivari 5
Hacksaw Duggan 5
jeff Hardy 5
Jillan 5
john Cena 5
Lance Cade 5
maria 5
Melina 5
Mickie James 5
mr Kennedy 6
Paul London 5
Randy orton 6
Robbie McAllister 5
Rory McAllister 5
Sandman 5
Santino marella 1 (-1)
Shad 5
Shawn Michaels 5
Shelton Benjamin 6
Snitsky 5
Super crazy 5
trevor Murdoch 5
Triple H 6
Val venis 5
umaga 5
William Regal 5
Ashley 5
Batista 5
brett Major 5
brian major 5
Chavo Guerrero 5
Chris Masters 5
Chuck Palumbo 5
Dave Taylor 5
Deuce 5
Domino 5
Edge 6
Eugene 4
Finlay 5
Funaki 4
gregory Helms 5
Hardcore Holly 5
Hornswoggle 5
Jamie noble 5
Jimmy Yang 5
Kane 5
kenny 5
Mark henry 7
Matt Hardy 5
michelle Mccool 5
Rey Mysterio 5
Ric Flair 5
Shannon moore 6
The Great Khali 3
Torrie Wilson 5
Undertaker 7
victoria 6
Balls Mahoney 5
Boogeyman 4
Big Daddy V 3
CM Punk 6 (+1 to him)
Elijah burke 5
John Morrison 5
Kevin thorn 5
Marcus Cor Von 5
Matt striker 5
Mike Knox 5
Nunzio 5
Stevie richards 5
The Miz 5
Tommy Dreamer 5
TNA (Game 2)
abyss 5
Aj styles 7
Alex shelley 5
basham 5
BG James 5
brother Devon 5
Brother Ray 5
Borther Runt 5
Chris Harris 5
Chris Sabin 5
Christian cage 7
christy 5
Damaja 2 (-1 to him)
Dustin Rhodes 5
Eric Young 5
Christopher Daniels 5
Elix Skipper 5
Gail kim 5
Havok 5
herandez 6
Jackie Moore 5
Homicide 9
james storm 4
Jay lethal 5
Jeff Jarrett 5
Jerry Lynn 5
Kaz 5
kevin Nash 6 (+1 to him)
Kip James 5
kurt Angle 5
Lance hoyt 5
martyr 5
Tracy Brooks 5
Petey williams 5
Raven 6
rhino 5
robert Roode 5
Roxy Laveaux 5
Samoa joe 5
Scott steiner 4
Senshi 5
Shark boy 4
Sonjay Dutt 5
Sting 5
tomko 5
Lashley 4
brian kendrick 5
Booker t 6
candice 5
carlito 5
charlie haas 5
Cody Rhodes 5
Daivari 5
Hacksaw Duggan 5
jeff Hardy 5
Jillan 5
john Cena 5
Lance Cade 5
maria 5
Melina 5
Mickie James 5
mr Kennedy 6
Paul London 5
Randy orton 6
Robbie McAllister 5
Rory McAllister 5
Sandman 5
Santino marella 1 (-1)
Shad 5
Shawn Michaels 5
Shelton Benjamin 6
Snitsky 5
Super crazy 5
trevor Murdoch 5
Triple H 6
Val venis 5
umaga 5
William Regal 5
Ashley 5
Batista 5
brett Major 5
brian major 5
Chavo Guerrero 5
Chris Masters 5
Chuck Palumbo 5
Dave Taylor 5
Deuce 5
Domino 5
Edge 6
Eugene 4
Finlay 5
Funaki 4
gregory Helms 5
Hardcore Holly 5
Hornswoggle 5
Jamie noble 5
Jimmy Yang 5
Kane 5
kenny 5
Mark henry 7
Matt Hardy 5
michelle Mccool 5
Rey Mysterio 5
Ric Flair 5
Shannon moore 6
The Great Khali 3
Torrie Wilson 5
Undertaker 7
victoria 6
Balls Mahoney 5
Boogeyman 4
Big Daddy V 3
CM Punk 6 (+1 to him)
Elijah burke 5
John Morrison 5
Kevin thorn 5
Marcus Cor Von 5
Matt striker 5
Mike Knox 5
Nunzio 5
Stevie richards 5
The Miz 5
Tommy Dreamer 5
TNA (Game 2)
abyss 5
Aj styles 7
Alex shelley 5
basham 5
BG James 5
brother Devon 5
Brother Ray 5
Borther Runt 5
Chris Harris 5
Chris Sabin 5
Christian cage 7
christy 5
Damaja 2 (-1 to him)
Dustin Rhodes 5
Eric Young 5
Christopher Daniels 5
Elix Skipper 5
Gail kim 5
Havok 5
herandez 6
Jackie Moore 5
Homicide 9
james storm 4
Jay lethal 5
Jeff Jarrett 5
Jerry Lynn 5
Kaz 5
kevin Nash 6 (+1 to him)
Kip James 5
kurt Angle 5
Lance hoyt 5
martyr 5
Tracy Brooks 5
Petey williams 5
Raven 6
rhino 5
robert Roode 5
Roxy Laveaux 5
Samoa joe 5
Scott steiner 4
Senshi 5
Shark boy 4
Sonjay Dutt 5
Sting 5
tomko 5