"And did anyone else catch the line where Cena eluded that unless Sheamus was successful he'd make him a foot note in the WWE just like he had so many others?"
IF this was to lead anywhere (which I don't think it will) then it'd be cool if they kept up with the disgruntled newbies schtick; starting to bring a few faces into the equation too.... Cena squashes all the mid-carders as one by one they call him out, thus bringing out a conceited/arrogant side in preperation for a heel turn against Taker at 'Mania...
Cena post WM-match: "Even the Undertaker's WM streak is a mere footnote to my dominance now"
All that said, I honestly don't think WWE have the balls to turn Cena right now, but I can't see where else they can go with this angle...