lol we pretty much predicted it, next week's Handicap Match will be pretty good. I hope there's a backstage segment with Orton and HHH settling their differences for one night. Also the commentary about the 'changing of the guard' and all that stuff after the Legacy/Sheamus beatdown was awesome. They really are making these young guns seem legit.
And something that kind of sucked was Cole completely ignoring King's numerous attempts to bring light to the fact that Orton is slowly turning into a fan favorite. (kind of)
I really hope they run with Orton as an Austin like tweener, RKOing people left and right, not giving a damn but getting killer reactions either way. They could be onto something very special with this new tweener character.
Fuck Raw, huge let down. But I kinda set myself up for it with watching Austin videos prior, setting HUGE expectations.
Never a good idea with WWE programming or pro wrestling in general. Sucks for me because my expectations are already huge for Taker/Michaels, I know I'll be let down.