Yeah, JoMo's pops seriously fluctuate... IMO, his decrease in response coincided with his drop back into the mid-card and his pointlessly drawn out fuied with Ziggler (after beating most of the SD ME over the course of a month). No suprise... A text book case of the 'E 'punishing' the fans for emotionally investing in one of their characters.
As for MVP... What's with the weed shit? ...Blame the bookers, not d'erb.
Seriously buried and for what? ....If rumours are to be believed, mocking the guy that does the piss-tests. Way to stay focused on the product, guys. :roll:
MVP should have fueded with HHH over the WWE title (or at the least got a nice one match PPV rub) during summer 2008... This was before the reported heat and losing streak, before Jeff Hardy started re-gaining momentum after his suspension and we were being subjected to HHH vs Khali & Koslov and the utterly pointless semi-push of a Brian Kendrick.