01/04 iMPACT! Discussion

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TNA won this ratings without a doubt.

:lmao what?

But seriously, I loved impact tonight. I mean how can you not watch this next week? Bischoff won't fuck around and I truly do believe change is coming. I can see this going live w/in 6 months. Every time I flipped to Raw during a commercial I saw the likes of Hornswogggle eating a cookie, Santino in a suit and wig behind a couch, etc. Heard it was an awful show besides Orton/Kofi and BRET. Pretty much everything on impact was entertaining even if a lot of it was old shit, how was that not expected? And if you aren't excited to see faces on live tv again (some for the first time in years), then you are fucking crazy. Glad I got to see HOGAN, BISCH, HALL, WALTMAN, FLAIR, VAL, HARDY (LOL), etc. MVP of the night has to go to Bisch tho. God I love that man.


There were some very entertaining segments on Impact, highlighted by Kevin Nash's absolutely fucking awesome drunken interview towards the beginning of the show. But, I really don't get where everybody's excitement over the in-ring action comes from? Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles was a lot of fun, even if on the spotty side. But, beyond that? The disastrous opening match full of contrived spots, a botched ending, and a DQ finish in a cage match? Tara vs ODBlol? Morgan/Hernandez vs Richards/Raven in a nothing match? I was promised change by Hogan, with more emphasis on wrestling, and I was sorely disappointed. One good match on a three-hour program is not sufficient for all the hype surrounding the supposed REVAMPED~ Impact.


Mar 27, 2008
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impact was a pretty good show, their live shows are always better than their taped ones. really enjoyed the knockouts tag match, pope getting the win was big but i hope this isnt the start of something bad for wolfe. i'm glad that orlando jordan showed up, i always thought he would have a spot in tna though i hated his hair. Main event was just good solid wrestling and close to 20 minutes, very much welcomed, i was hoping joe would've cashed the title chance in after the match since it would've set up a ppv match thats 2 weeks away.

i just hope any first time viewers saw the knockout tag match and the main event, and the bishoff segment, i was really hoping nash would've laid out hall and waltman and really show people its not about bringing in wash ups


Also, lol @ people saying Hall looked terrible. He actually looked pretty good all things considered. I mean did you not see his last TNA run about 2 years ago? He was wayyyyy worse. When I saw him tonight I was like oh shit, he looks pretty good for a change.


@peepshow ???
In other words TNA should beat WWE in the ratings. Or at least I hope they do so that wwe can wake up and stop underestimating TNA.


He understood what you meant. There's no way Impact is going to have a higher rating than Raw.

But yeah, Hall looked relatively good. Hearing "HEY YO!" was one of the highlights of the show.

The Rated R CMStar

I just read the perfect description of what iMPACT was "a nice show for an old guys reunion". I get the excitement about new things to come, because I mean, after all, all the time tonight went to the new, old guys that were coming in. I mean, Hogan even got to play heel and face and tease us at the end of the night.

At the end of the night, it was nWo reuniting, back to their old tactics and even Sting back in the rafters. Nothing new, but the shock factor is what apparently made the show, because it wasn't even wrestling.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Being live REALLY helped the show in general. I really couldn't change it, even when Raw was on, and that was because of who was going to show up. I'm shocked that Hogan didn't take as much time as I thought he was, there was still time for some good matches. They got to showcase the important people for the new fans. But I wouldn't want to go crazy in TNA-love yet, there was lots of stuff that really was out there.

-The Cage Match. Couldn't see anything and it got "This is Bullshit" chants from the crowd. Hardy saved a disaster though.

-The Nasty Boys don't deserve to have TV time, even if it was 5 minutes.

-The whole strip poker thing could've hyped/brought back Angelina Love or do some eyecandy, but all it did was bring in Venis (who didn't have a name) and an interference at the end. Venis is alright, but it went nowhere.

-I thought Desmond Wolfe was getting a push? Dinero was really over with the fans, and had a really good promo, but it was bad to throw 2 up and comers and have a clear loser.

-Ric Flair in the title match was weird. It might have hurt the match because it put all the attention on him, and everyone was wooing. He didn't even do or say anything either, which was a missed opportunity. And the masked man interfering randomly was another odd thing. They could've at least developed on who it is, but the announcers just left it alone.

TNA really left lots of questions to be answered, which is good. I don't know if they could be as exciting or keep the quality show back on Thursdays now. They did a good job in having an exciting show, but they need to balance the wrestling and the storylines now, that's the big problem.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
OK...so I just finished watching TNA...wasn't good except AJ/Angle, that was excellent, better than their PPV match. That being said it wasn't bad either.

Here's what I think: The good: AJ/Kurt, but it's bad business to give away your PPV main event. Don't care since I wouldn't have paid for it.
The Knockout Tag match was really fun. Ric Flair as AJ's mentor, he can seriously take Styles to the next level as his mouthpiece, lord knows that's Aj's major weakness.

The ho-hum: Hogan booked as a tweener. Not bad, but not good, how are you going to have the guy cut his first promo as a face, turn down an nWo rip-off reformation, then cut a heel promo on Jarrett? Too much curve booking on his first appearance.

Foley. Was a whole lotta walking around to find Hogan in a small building.

Sting. Revisiting his WCW gimmick after he's been oh-so vocal the past few years is re-hash. As with Foley, I hope this goes somewhere.

Jeff Hardy. Not good to fuck your fans over in the first match of the show with horrendous booking, no matter who is appearing. And it wasn't as HUGE as a surprise as it should have been when you play theme music. Should have had him come without music, ala Hall in WCW, would have shocked people more. But still nice to see him, just could have been more surprising.

Joe/Abyss Boring. Slow. Ho-Hum at best.

The not-so-good: Hernandez/Morgan-Raven/Stevie- what the fuck? Didn't showcase anything and squashed Raven and Stevie in the process.

Bringing in nobodies like Orlando Jordan, Shannon Moore,the Nasty Boys and Val Venis. None of these dudes have really nothing to offer TNA except taking up limited roster space. NO ONE knows or cares about Orlando Jordan and Shannone Moore, the Nastys only have work because of Hogan and Venis is a good hand, but so so terrible to rehash a gimmick that's shelf life expired nine years ago. Not good at all.

Rehashing the nWo, why swear to all the fans that you are all about wrestling and moving forward when it looks like they're in some way headed to rehash an angle that has been rehashed 5 times already and the last three times were epic failures. Way to focus on the future.

BAD: Starting the show with bogus, patented TNA booking. They had the proper outlet to showcase exactly what makes TNA special with the X division, instead we get some lousy camera angles, some half-decent spots and a very bullshit finish in a mushy match. The fans knew it too, with their "bullshit" chants. Not a good way to start off their biggest show to date.

Lack of wrestling. There was more matches on Raw, and Raw,IMO, had better wrestling tonight. Angle/AJ was the match of the night on both programs, but Raw had two very good, solid matches with DX/Jerishow and a nice Orton/Kofi match. Plus the 4-way was fun. Besides the mainevent, the KO tag match was the only other TNA match that delivered. Wolfe/Pope seemed too loose but has legs to run a program, Abyss/Joe was slow and boring and the X match was atrocious due to booking. The singles womens match was o.k at best. But TNA didn't showcase wrestling,or it's young, fresh, exciting young talent that Jarrett and Hogan both talked soo much about, there was too much talking.

All in all, not terrible, but not good by any means. They really dropped the ball on delivering a good wrestling show. We got rehashes, the introduction of no-name never weres, but we also got Hardy. Out of 10 I'd give this show a 5. Acceptable but I can't honestly say it was better than Raw.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Also, lol @ people saying Hall looked terrible. He actually looked pretty good all things considered. I mean did you not see his last TNA run about 2 years ago? He was wayyyyy worse. When I saw him tonight I was like oh shit, he looks pretty good for a change.
Dude still looks awful.
"Hey yo...where's the buffet table?"


I don't understand where the negativity for this Impact is coming from. I thought the show was absolutely phenomenal. Sure there were some botched spots and glitches in the show, but for fuck's sake... it's their first live Monday night show going head to head with RAW! AND THEY FUCKING SLAUGHTERED THEM!

People have been sitting around for months watching DX chase midgets into alternate midget worlds under the ring, a fucking asshole with a unibrow, a wigger preaching about hustling and respect and who can forget the classic Teddy/Undertaker skit and you're gonna bitch about the show featuring Scott Hall, X-Pac and Hulk fucking Hogan? Are you out of your minds????

They barely took up any time and it's obvious that they're going to be involved in a power struggle storyline, not raping TNA of every title. And does anyone think that Hall and Waltman are going to make it past a few months???

TNA stole WWE's (arguably) top face, put on a MOTY candidate, debuted a fuck load of people, set up some awesome storylines and not ONCE did I want to change to channel to RAW. And the few times I did you know what I saw? During the AJ/Angle match... a rest hold by Orton on Kofi with a crowd falling asleep. Santino in a fucking wig making fun of Chris Jericho.

They did an amazing job of making me want to tune in and see where this all goes. Sure, the show didn't have an insane amount of wrestling on it but the non-wrestling stuff was actually ENTERTAINING and didn't insult my intelligence. People wanted a more mature, entertaining product with surprises, and awesome wrestling? Well TNA is giving it to you, stop bitching.


May 22, 2007
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I think both shows were good, and lots better than I expected. Both putting on some good entertainment and both making me want to tune in again next monday. But the one I want to watch again, after the "wow it's Hogan wow it's Flair" factor has worn out is Raw...so Raw 1 - 0 Tna for me.

Tna would have won it if it wasn't for bringing in a bunch of no names (Orlando, Moore, Nasty Boys ect) and a bit too much things packed into one show. Really great that they are setting up some potentially good stories and fueds but I cant help thinking that most of them are going to be dropped/forgot in a couple of weeks.
Jeff Hardy was also a negative for me...Hardy, Waltman and Hall doesnt sound like the smartest move :1:

Angle-AJ was mint though, and it was sweet seeing Hogan again. Got my fingers crossed that this will lead to good things in the future for everyone interested in wrestling, and I do think that it will lead to better things both for Tna and Wwe.

All in all a really good show, that could have been great if it wasnt for a bit too many new "old" faces. The one thing that Tna wasnt lacking was talent, so I fail to see how the likes of the nasty boys and moore will improve it.

Btw...how is having Bisch a good thing???


Because he's a creative genius and understands how to structure story lines and create amazing feuds and controversy?