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+ 0- In Verses 5.0: Comfortably Blood + (Voodoo)
Location: The Home Of The Red, Augusta, Maine
Date: October 31st 2019
Time: 9:47pm
It was a balmy Halloween night in Augusta, Maine as the Red Priest sat on the front steps of his home,
a cigarette in one hand & a glass of red wine in the other. The three ladies of his life had decided to go
out trick or treating while he remained at home, watching over "his" child.
Although in reality Lilith wasn't really happy to go out trick or treating...but she basically had no
choice in the matter. Chloe & Zoe would not be allowed to wander the streets of a still strange
town on their own...not without a chaperone.
Tiberius takes a drag from his cigarette & chuckles to himself as he remembers Lilith having to
decide between babysitting or serving as a "bodyguard" for two fully grown women dressed as
forest fairies.
The Priest flicks the near finished cigarette away before taking a sip of wine as he suddenly spots
the headlights of their trusty old dodge van approaching the house. The vehicle slowly comes to a
stop next to the house as Chloe excitedly jumps out of the passenger side, her fairy costume still
intact as she races over to Tiberius, a red balloon tied to her right wrist & a plastic bag full of candy
held from each hand.
"Mr. Tiberius! Look at how much candy we have!" She chirps as the Priest watches Zoe & an a clearly
exhausted Lilith also exit the van. Zoe (her costume also still intact) walks straight up the front steps
& into the house while Lilith quickly takes a seat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder with a
weary sigh.
"Never again Tye...never again." She states again causing Tiberius to chuckle before he speaks to Chloe.
"It looks like you had a very productive night Pretty Bird, Bird."
"We did! It was so much fun!"
"That is excellent news, news. Now...did you thank Lilith for acting as your chaperone tonight,
Chloe eyes Lilith cautiously for a few seconds before she suddenly throws herself at the woman in
white, wrapping her up in a tight hug. Lilith looks extremely uncomfortable for a moment before she
eventually returns the hug herself.
"Thank you for going trick or treating with us Lilith." Chloe whispers before she releases her
vice-like grip & takes a step back.
"That's okay Chloe. We just wanted to make sure you & Zoe were safe."
"Now...go & take all that candy inside & store it in those plastic containers Zoe picked up today,
"Yes Sir Mr. Tiberius Sir!" Chloe mockingly salutes before she picks up her bags of candy once again.
"Has the boy been okay?"
"He's been asleep the entire time you've been gone...so be quiet when you check on him, him."
"Will do."
The tiny "fairy" then happily skips into the house, the red balloon on her wrist bouncing along
with her which brings a smile to the Priest's face as Lilith lets out another exhausted sigh.
Tiberius wraps his arm around her waist & pulls her even closer before he speaks.
"Who gave her that balloon, balloon?"
"A clown we ran into while walking around town."
Tiberius eyes Lilith strangely for a brief moment before continuing.
"Well...Thank you for taking care of them tonight my dear, dear. It sounds like they had a lot
of fun, fun."
"They may have had fun...but I didn't. Everyone thought I was dressed as Cruella De Vil."
Tiberius tries to stifle his laughter but fails as Lilith pulls away from him, her expression one
of anger & disappointment.
"I'm sorry sweetheart...but that is kind of funny, funny. I did try to convince you to at least dress up as
a sexy white witch remember, remember?"
"Yes...& the outfit you pitched for me to wear would have had everyone asking me if I was prostitute."
Tiberius again starts laughing as he slowly stands up, grabbing his wine glass with one hand as he
offers his other hand to Lilith.
"Come on Ms. De Vil...lets move around to the side porch so I can give you some much deserved TLC
yeah, yeah?"
Lilith smiles as she takes his hand as Tiberius helps her to stand up before the couple slowly walk
around to the side porch which features a newly installed, three-seater swinging chair. The couple
carefully sit down at either end to keep it stable & balanced.
"Sling your feet up here darling, darling." Tiberius states patting his own lap as he does.
"Oh No Tye...I've been walking in these boots for hours..."
"And I spent ten years crawling around in dirt & filth...a little bit of foot sweat isn't going to hurt, hurt.
Feet on my lap...Now, NOW!"
Lilith simply shrugs to herself before swinging her legs around, placing her feet on the Priest's lap.
Tiberius immediately starts unlacing her bright white boots as Zoe also suddenly appears on the side
porch carrying a few select items. She hands Lilith a tub of black label rocky road ice cream, a spoon
& bottle of water.
"Well...now this is what I call service." Lilith states happily as Zoe pours some red wine for the Priest
before leaving the bottle on a nearby window sill.
"Thank you Zoe, Zoe. Did you enjoy your night out begging for candy, candy?" Tiberius asks with a
smirk as he drops one of Lilith's boots to the porch floor.
"It was...fun. Chloe has a way of making everything seem more exciting than it really is."
"That she does, does." Tiberius responds slyly as he removes Lilith's other boot.
"Has everything been organized for our grand entrance Zoe?" Lilith asks.
"Yes. Everything is in place just as you have requested."
"And I also need for you to have that medical equipment I ordered delivered & installed, installed."
Tiberius states, his voice leaving no room for argument.
"Of course Mr. Hauser. I'll organize it first thing tomorrow morning."
"Thank you Zoe, Zoe."
Zoe simply nods herself before she turns to leave but she is stopped by Lilith's voice.
"Zoe...do you still want to go home?"
The tiny woman doesn't turn back around to answer, but both Tiberius & Lilith watch as her shoulders
sag slightly before she speaks, her voice quiet & somber.
"Yes. I still want to go home." And with that the tiny woman simply re-enters the house leaving Tiberius &
Lilith alone on the side porch, seated & swinging slightly in the breeze. There is only the sound of the wind
& the rustling of the nearby trees as Tiberius begins to massage Lilith's feet as the tall woman digs into her
tub of rocky road ice cream. A few minutes of silence passes between them before Lilith speaks, her own
voice quiet & reflective.
"I can't really be angry with her Tye. She never signed up for any of this."
Tiberius nods to himself & waits for Lilith to continue.
"I mean...I think I should let her go home. I don't want her to end up resenting me."
"I understand...I truly do...but I think in time she will come to see this place as her home...and hopefully
she will see us as her family, family." The Priest states calmly as he picks up his wine glass & downs about
half its contents.
"Is that what we are meant to be Tye? Are we meant to be a family?"
Tiberius places his glass back on the window sill & turns his attention back the feet in his lap before he
"I want us to be a family, family. I want us all to be safe, happy & healthy, healthy. Its what I'm trying
to achieve here, here. I need to take care of those I care about before I can help anyone else, else."
"You know...I don't think I ever remember Adam being so concerned about the well being of those around him."
"Adam is a very selfish man, man. Its one of the many, MANY differences between the two of us, us."
Lilith nods to herself as she continues to eat her ice cream, enjoying every nut & marshmallow filled spoonful.
A few more minutes pass before Tiberius speaks again.
"If you want to send Zoe home...then it's your choice, choice. She is your...assistant after all, all."
"And dare I ask what is written in your favorite book about this particular matter?"
The Priest smiles to himself as he answers.
"There are three women...three sisters...three witches, witches. No more...and no less, less. She will stay...
even if you do try to send her home, home."
Lilith smiles & nods before turning her attention back to her ice cream.
"Well...I guess I won't even bother making her the offer then." Lilith quips.
"All she needs is time...all WE need is time." Tiberius states with a smile "And we have all the time in the
world, world."
The two sit in silence for another few minutes before Lilith speaks again.
"Happy Halloween Tye."
"Happy Halloween Lilith, Lilith."
Production Notes:
~ Halloween Special!
~ Happy Halloween everyone!
~ I did a Halloween "Promo" while in the RWK & nobody really cared...
but that didn't stop me from writing this one...because I write for me!
~ I think the "Modified Logo" for this promo turned out really well...
~ Pink Floyd & Godsmack...because why not?
~ I like the word "Balmy" It doesn't get used enough...
~ I actually started writing this piece a couple of months ago...
~ Yes...all these promos have been planned out since I signed up...
~ The red balloon & the clown who gave it to Chloe are of course
reference to the Stephen King novel "It"
~ I found the idea of the two tiny women dressing up as fairies pretty funny...
~ Lots of Candy!
~ One Hundred and One Dalmatians reference!
~ Chloe & Lilith can get along...right?
~ Sexy Witch!
~ I've never liked those "swinging chairs" but I thought I'd throw one in
here because it seemed to fit the setting...
~ Tiberius (like myself) has a foot fetish...deal with it!
~ Rocky Road!
~ Are these lazy pricks finally going to show up for work?
~ Medical equipment? What & what for I wonder?
~ This Medical equipment was mentioned in Verse 1 if you remember...
~ We all have a place we call home right? Nothing wrong with wanting to
go back there...
~ Tiberius actually does care about the people in his life...those who aren't...
well...that might be asking for too much...
~ If you don't know what to do...just consult the Tome of the Red...