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+ 0- In Verses 3.0: While My Guitar Gently Bleeds + (What I Do!)
Location: The Ring of the Red, Augusta, Maine
Date: October 14th 2019
Time: 9:47am
It was training time for those in the Red household as Tiberius & Lilith stood opposite
each other in the middle of the backyard ring while Chloe (wearing her "referee" dress)
sat on one of the top turnbuckles, watching intently.
Tiberius & Lilith were both dressed in full tracksuits (red & white respectively) as
they began circling each other, a wicked grin on both of their faces.
"It has been far too long since we have done this." Lilith states as she skips sideways
for a few steps.
"I do recall that this is how you & Adam met...and it was love at first fight wasn't it,
it?" Tiberius snarks back as he continues to keep his distance from the woman in white.
"Just shut your mouth & lock up with me you bastard."
"As you wish my lady, lady."
And with that the two boldly step towards each other, locking themselves together in a
collar & elbow tie up. The two continue to push & shove at each other as Zoe emerges
from the house, dressed in her own "workout" clothes (which of course is a black tracksuit).
Eventually the lock up is broken as Tiberius shoves Lilith away, causing her to fall
backwards to the mat. The woman gets up to one knee & glares at the Priest as he
speaks to her.
"Hey...don't look at me like that, that. YOU wanted to train & get ready for the LDW so
that means we are going to be training properly, properly."
Lilith simply nods as she gets to her feet before Zoe (with a tablet in hand) begins to
"Mr. Hauser...we need to discuss the animals you wish to purchase!"
"Yay! Its going to be like we have our own little farm!" Chloe chirps happily.
"Right...well...I think I can manage to multitask for the time being, being. Lilith...
lets do that again...ask me want you need to know Goggles, Goggles!" Tiberius
states as Lilith again rushes forward as the two lock up once again.
"Right. Now you originally said you wanted goats & pigs correct?" Zoe inquires.
"Yes!" Tiberius answers as Lilith transitions smoothly out of the collar & elbow tie up
into a standing wristlock. The Red Priest looks for an opening as Zoe continues.
"Well...how many of each do I purchase?"
Tiberius quickly ducks down & sweeps Lilith's legs out from underneath her, causing her
to fall backwards to the mat...but even with the fall she doesn't let go of his wrist.
"Fifteen of each, each! Three males to twelve females, females! Don't forget to buy the
the necessary food as well as several water troughs, troughs!"
Zoe nods & inputs the details into her tablet as Tiberius continues to grapple with Lilith
on the mat.
"Let go of my wrist you bitch, BITCH!" The Priest half laughs as Lilith attempts to tie him
up with her remaining limbs.
"What's a matter Tye? You don't want to hold hands with me?" she seductively responds
as the couple continue to tussle.
"I honestly wouldn't mind holding any part of your body sweetheart...but I'd rather not be
put in a kimora lock at this very moment!"
Lilith simply laughs somewhat maniacally as Zoe continues.
"What about chickens Mr. Hauser?"
"No Zoe! No chickens, chickens! I won't have any fowl here now the crows have moved in, in!"
"Oh...but I like chickens!" Chloe quips, disappointment in her tone.
"No! We are not having chickens, chickens!" Tiberius again states as he begins to slowly get
to his feet, Lilith still clinging to his body like some kind of giant, white spider.
"Okay White Queen..." Tiberius begins...
"Don't call me that!" Lilith shouts as she still refuses to release her grip, even as she is
lifted clean off the mat.
"Okay LILITH...so you either let me go...or I make you let go, go. Its your choice, choice."
"Do your worst Red Priest!"
"You see I don't actually mind people using my red name, name. Okay...you asked for it, it."
And with that Tiberius spins his body around a couple of times & delivers a modified powerslam,
squashing Lilith under his own weight. The woman in white finally releases her "full body grip"
as the Priest quickly rolls away from her, suddenly taking up a four legged stance in a nearby
corner. The Priest then suddenly starts beating his chest like a gorilla, barking & growling like
one of the great apes.
All three women have a different reaction as Lilith quickly gets to her feet, rage in her eyes.
"DON'T YOU DARE PULL THAT SHIT WITH ME!" she almost screams as Chloe can be heard
giggling from her turnbuckle perch. Tiberius slowly stands up, taking a normal "human" stance.
"Well...don't waste my time with wristlocks & mat wrestling, wrestling. Fighters like us have
better weapons to sharpen & use, use."
Lilith continues to glare at Tiberius in silence for a few seconds before Chloe breaks the tense
moment...with even more tension.
"Mr. Tiberius...where is the Red King now?"
Tiberius & Lilith both turn to look at the tiny woman for a moment before Tiberius answers her
by simply pointing to his temple with his right index finger. The tiny woman smiles at the action
before asking her next question.
"When will I get to see him again?"
"NEVER!" Lilith suddenly screams as she stalks her way over to Chloe's corner, Tiberius quickly
trying to restrain the tall woman by the waist.
Chloe, clearly terrified quickly leaps down from the top turnbuckle to the ground at "ringside"
before darting back into the house as Tiberius holds onto a near rabid Lilith.
"Easy my dear, dear! Calm down & relax, relax!" He whispers to Lilith before speaking to Zoe.
"Goggles...can you go & check on Chloe please, please?"
"Of course Mr. Hauser."
The two wrestlers watch as Zoe follows the footsteps of her tiny friend back inside the house
as the Priest continues to whisper to his sparring partner.
"You need to calm yourself down my dear, dear. Don't make me have to do it for you, you."
"Is that a promise Tye?" Lilith snarks back & before the Priest can react the woman quickly
slings him down to the mat with a high impact headlock takedown, slamming him to mat
while keeping her tight grip on his head.
"You fucking bitch, BITCH!" The Priest states in anger as Lilith begins to giggle herself.
"What do you say honey? How about some more mat wrestling?"
"I hope you aren't going to be wrestling like this in LDW, LDW. I can already hear the crowds
chanting "This is boring!" every time you set foot in the ring, ring." Tiberius quips as he begins
to try & work his way out of the headlock.
"I'm actually more concerned that we'll never even set foot in a LDW ring. What the hell are we
waiting for?" Lilith asks as the two slowly stand up, the woman in white still gripping the red
man by his dreadlock covered head. Tiberius growls in frustration as he forcefully shoves the
woman off, breaking her grip & creating some distance between them.
"Like I have told you before...WE are waiting for the right moment...& I don't believe that moment
has presented itself yet."
"Well...I don't think we can wait for the right moment. We need to create that moment...and I
believe I've come up with the perfect way for us to make a lasting first impression & possibly
get our hands on that "red matter" you want so badly."
"I don't want the red matter Lilith...we NEED that red matter, matter. However you can color
me intrigued my lady, lady. And just what are the details of this plan of yours, yours?"
Lilith opens her mouth to explain but she is suddenly cut off by Zoe's voice as her assistant
suddenly appears from inside of the house again, shouting as loudly as she can.
Tiberius turns & stares at Zoe for a few seconds before he actually understands just what
is going on.
"The Police, Police? But we haven't even done anything yet, YET?"
The Red Priest then turns back to face Lilith...only to be struck full force in the face with
a superkick. Tiberius staggers backwards a couple of steps as he shouts in anger.
"Possibly...but the real question is what are you going to do about it?" Lilith quips as she
smiles somewhat seductively.
Tiberius doesn't even answer & simply rushes the woman who smartly sidesteps out of the
way & spins on the spot to deliver a discus lariat...which Tiberius ducks under...only for the
Priest to rise & spin himself, hitting Lilith was a discus lariat of his own, which sends the tall
woman crashing to the mat.
"That is what I'm going to do, DO!" Tiberius half shouts as he spots a couple of uniformed
police officers suddenly appearing from around the right side of the house, walking slowly
towards the ring.
Lilith can only chuckle to herself as she lays on the mat, the Priest regaining his composure
somewhat as one of the officers speaks.
"Well...I didn't believe it when they told me but I see someone has moved into the old Creed
place. Good morning to you both. I'm Sheriff Flagg & this is Deputy Starling."
Tiberius eyes both officers for a moment before replying.
"And a Good morning to both of you, you. I am Tiberius Hauser & this lovely lady having a lay
down is Lilith Kaiser, Kaiser."
All four people exchange a friendly glance & nod as Zoe slowly approaches.
"Oh...& this little lady here is Zoe Keller."
The Sheriff & the Deputy both introduce themselves with a handshake but once the introductions
are made the Red Priest gets straight down to business.
"So Sheriff...& I don't mean to seem rude...& Red forbid we get off on the wrong foot but what
exactly are you doing here, here?"
"Well...like I said before I was extremely surprised when I heard someone had purchased & moved
into the old Creed place...and you could say I came out here this morning to sate my curiosity."
Tiberius nods & exchanges a look with Lilith who is still laying on mat, although now she has
adopted somewhat seductive pose. Well...as seductive as she can look while wearing a white
"I see, see. I suppose if you have any questions you want ask now would be the time, time." The
Priest states as he quickly climbs out of the training ring to now stand in front of the two officers.
"Well...I'm not here to be nosy. Like I said...I was just curious & thought it might be prudent to
formally welcome you to Augusta." The Sheriff states, his voice suddenly taking on a snarky tone.
"WELL...as much as we appreciate the formal welcome Sheriff...we are currently in the middle of
our daily training session...so if your curiosity has been sated...then perhaps you could you be on
your way so we may have some privacy?"
The Sheriff appears to chuckle to himself for a few seconds before he replies.
"Very well...we will leave you to it. It was a pleasure to meet you all & hopefully we won't be seeing
too much of each other moving forward."
"The less the better, BETTER." Tiberius states as the Sheriff simply nods in agreement before he &
his Deputy turn around & walk back the way they came.
"Zoe...go watch them leave, leave." Tiberius whispers as the tiny woman nods before again running
back into the house as quickly as she can.
The Priest watches her go as he speaks to Lilith.
"You were surprisingly quiet, quiet."
"Well...I didn't think it would be a good idea to speak with my accent. Sheriff Flagg strikes
me as the kind of guy who would automatically think anyone from Germany is an Nazi."
"Wait...you aren't a Nazi, Nazi?" Tiberius questions, barely able to contain his laughter.
"Just shut the hell up & get back in this ring. We have a training session to finish & I have
a plan to explain.
And with that Tiberius crawls his way back into the ring as Lilith gets to her feet, the two quickly
locking up once again as Lilith explains the first impression she wants too make & how what the
Church NEEDS doesn't have to asked for...only taken from the right place at the right time.
Production Notes:
~ I had to use my favorite Beatles song...even if it makes no sense...
~ Yes I had to pair the Beatles with Sepultura...
~ Tracksuits FTW! (They are A.D.I.D.A.S brand tracksuits if you must know...Korn Reference!)
~ So while Tiberius will not fight women in the LDW as a rule...he will "spar" with Lilith...
its how they originally met after all...
~ The outdoor ring for training was originally an idea for the Red King & it would have built
on that farm he & Gaia spent time at during their RWK days. I'm not going to lie...its basically
there as an option for an LDW if they want to stage a "pay per view" match there...
~ Yes...the Church of the Red is going to be setting up a small farm on their property...
~ Yes...the Church of the Red is going to have a named animal sidekick/mascot...
~ Yes...that animal sidekick/mascot will be making appearances at LDW events...if allowed...
~ No animals will be killed "on screen" so to speak...
~ A Kimora Lock? Yeah...keep that in mind for later...
~ No Chickens!
~ The Red King is still around...waiting for a chance to take control back...
~ Chloe is also waiting for that chance...
~ There is still a lot of tension between Chloe & Lilith...which of course is there for
a possible future story arc if I decide to go with it...
~ The "Red Matter" is of course blood if you haven't guessed by now...
~ So of course the Police have come sniffing around...and no...they won't be important
characters. They are simply being introduced so they can appear later on down the line...
~ Okay...so we have a double Stephen King reference in this promo...
1). The Creed Family is a reference to the family from the novel Pet Sematary...&
2). Sheriff Flagg is a reference to the character Randall Flagg fromthe novel The Stand...
~ Deputy Starling is actually a reference to my own work Project: God Flesh...& for the
record they are NOT the same character...they just share the same last name...
~ So...I had intended for every member of the Church of the Red to make their actual
"live show debut" at the Blackout event...BUT there was a change of plans...and I honestly
didn't feel like re-writing this piece because of that. Of course the "Plan" Lilith has come up
with for the "live show debut" will hopefully be used at a later date...