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+ 0- In Verses 2.0: Blood Of A Preacher Man + (One Of Us Is The Killer)
Location: The "Home" Of The Red, Augusta, Maine
Date: September 28th 2019
Time: 7:03pm
It had been a very busy fortnight...
The roofers had been & gone, the fencing had been installed & many, MANY items of
furniture had be purchased & placed inside their new home. The child's room had been
renovated, the kitchen housed an incredibly large fridge & freezer & there was now an
extremely comfortable couch in living room sat directly in front of the old black & white
TV they had found when they arrived.
They had all settled in really well.
Chloe had her swing set & jungle gym as well as a nearby forested area to explore,
Zoe had her own room which she had quickly turned into an office, complete with a
desk, printer & fax machine & Lilith...well...she was "happy" for the most part to sit &
stare into the flames that constantly burned in the living room fireplace.
The shipping container had also arrived from Scotland allowing them to set up a wrestling
ring (the same one used during the NFGW's King of the Highlands event) in the back yard
so it could be used at any time, day or night & finally...a large Murder of Crows had shown
up a couple of days ago & were currently making themselves at home, roosting on the
house as well as in some nearby trees.
Yes...everything appeared to be falling into place.
Of course Tiberius Hauser had also been keeping himself busy.
The Red Priest was currently sitting in his own private office, the Tome of the Red open
on the old desk in front of him with another large but empty book lying open next to it.
Tiberius was currently transcribing the "lesson" text within the Tome of the Red into his
own personal volume, a feather quill in his right hand & a glass of red wine in his left.
While he had not written the Tome of the Red it had originally been inked in his blood...
and so now he was repeating the process, dipping his quill into a dish of his own iced
ichor before scribbling down another couple of lines of crimson text.
Time had drifted away from Tiberius as he had become engrossed in his work & it wasn't
until around seven that there was a knock at his office door.
"Come in, in."
The double doors slowly slid open allowing Lilith Kaiser to strut her way into the room, her
clothing somewhat more "casual" than normal. Tiberius doesn't even look up as he speaks.
"You know if you keep wearing shorts that tiny every teenage boy in Augusta will be standing
at the fence lines, flooding our property with drool, drool."
Lilith simply smiles as she replies.
"You do realize Chloe was wandering around the house & yard completely naked the other day right?"
"She was, was?"
"Yes she was. You really didn't notice that?"
"I guess not, not."
Lilith shakes her head in dismay before changing the subject.
"Speaking of our little nudist...Chloe wants to know if you will be joining us for dinner?"
Tiberius finally looks up from his writing, a grin on his face.
"Is she still nude, nude?"
"No!" Lilith half shouts.
"Okay...and just what did our Pretty Bird prepare for us tonight, tonight?"
"Potato & tuna bake with raw root salad & cheesy garlic bread on the side."
"Oh my...she does do her best to spoil us, us."
"I'm actually still in shock at how good her cooking is."
"Shocked...but extremely grateful am I right, right?"
Lilith simply nods to answer in the affirmative before getting back to the point.
"So...has that convinced you to join us?"
Tiberius rubs his chin in thought for a few moments before replying.
"The dining table still hasn't arrived yet has it, it?"
"No. We'll be eating on the couch again."
"Will there be wine?"
"Yes. As much of it as you can drink."
"Then I am sold! Lead the way you incredibly leggy lady, lady."
"Oh shut up Tye!" Lilith barks as Tiberius slowly gets up from his chair & stretches as he
again looks her up & down.
"Seriously in those shorts your like sixty percent legs, legs."
"Would you rather I put on a pair of baggy track pants?"
"Only of you're going outside my dear, dear."
The tall woman again just shakes her head as Tiberius picks up his wine glass & heads towards
the living room, Lilith following behind him.
And so Chloe, Tiberius, Lilith & Zoe are now all sat in an organized row on their new couch, each
of them with a plate in their hands as they eat their incredibly tasty dinner.
"This SO good Chloe. People would actually pay to eat this." Lilith states between bites & chews.
"Thank you Lilith." Chloe happily responds before turning her attention to Tiberius.
"Do you like it Mr. Tiberius Sir?"
"Yes I do, do. It may be the best meal I've eaten in over ten years Pretty Bird, Bird."
Chloe smiles brightly as she focuses back on her own plate, the other three staring at
the old TV in front of them. The latest episode of LDW PrimeTime was currently playing
for "entertainment" although it was a little weird in black & with with muted sound. It
is Chloe who this time breaks the "silent chewing".
"Nova Taylor is very pretty isn't she?"
Tiberius glances at the tiny woman for a second with a smirk on his face while Lilith simply
rolls her eyes, an action she had been repeating a lot these last few days. It is Zoe who actually
answers Chloe from the other end of the couch.
"Yes...and she is also a very skilled wrestler."
"I'd like to have a match against her." Chloe proudly states before she bites into a piece
of garlic bread.
"I could organize that for you Chloe." Zoe quickly responds before Lilith interjects.
"No you won't Zoe! Chloe isn't going to be wrestling anyone."
"And why not?!" Chloe asks, real anger & annoyance lacing her voice.
"Because you have a child to take care of...and Nova wouldn't be interested in a friendly
fight...she'd likely rip you to pieces. If anyone here is going to be taking on the "Rainbow
Princess" its going to be me."
"But that wouldn't be fair! You're like a foot taller than her!" Chloe exclaims.
"So?! She's fighting Slate Bass at the Blackout pay per view!" Lilith barks back.
"Can the two of you just calm down for a second please, please?" Tiberius suddenly states, bluntly &
forcefully. "I'm sure Nova Taylor would gladly fight both of you...possibly even at the same time...but
clearly she has more important things on her plate right now, now. Speaking of which...how about we
all focus on what is left on our plates yeah, yeah?"
Lilith, Chloe & Zoe all nod in agreement as the "silent chewing" returns to the living room as the
four of them focus back on the television in front of them.
Once dinner was finished Zoe had made her way to the kitchen to take care of the dishes (it was her
turn according to the chore roster they had drawn up shortly after they had moved in) & Chloe had
gone to check on the "Red Son" leaving Tiberius & Lilith alone for possibly the first time since the
Priest had crawled his way out of the "oil pit" in Scotland.
"There was a really large dog lurking around the fence lines today." Lilith states as she attempts to
have a somewhat normal conversation for her companion.
Tiberius finishes off the wine in his glass before reaching for the open bottle nearby.
"Really, really? What was it doing, doing?"
"Chasing the crows around. I think it even managed to catch & eat one."
The Priest nods as he once again fills his glass.
"What kind of dog was it, it?"
"A St. Bernard I think. I went & had a closer look at it & it did not look very healthy. Its face was
all messed up, like it had been mauled by another dog or something."
Tiberius pauses in thought for a moment before replying.
"Chloe is not to go beyond our fence lines until I say so, so. Do I make myself clear, clear?"
"Well yes...but she's going to argue with that rule. She goes for a walk in the woods nearly every day."
"She won't argue with me, ME. I am not having anyone in this household attacked by a rabid dog, dog."
Lilith simply nods in agreement before she "tactfully" changes the subject by laying her entire body
out completely across the couch, her form now draped across the Priest's lap. Tiberius looks at the
woman with a confused expression before simply taking another sip of his wine.
"You know its not really fair to take up the entire couch like that, that."
"Would you prefer it if I moved Tye?" Lilith responds, her tone flirty & playful.
Tiberius runs his free hand down Lilith's incredibly long legs before he replies.
"No...its fine, fine. Chloe & Zoe are small enough to share the single recliner, recliner."
Lilith laughs as she stretches out to get more comfortable as Tiberius continues.
"So...I'm surprised you haven't made a move for any ice cream yet, yet."
"It can wait. Its not like its going anywhere & I even put my name on it this time to stop ANYONE
else from eating it."
Tiberius again finds himself laughing as the memory of Chloe & Zoe being caught sharing a container
of extremely expensive cookie dough ice cream flashes through his mind. Lilith had been INCREDIBLY
pissed off & both of the tiny women had come running scared into his office looking for protection.
Lilith would never have hurt either of them...but she certainly was a sight to behold when she was
angry. Tiberius had managed to "talk her down" & promised it would never happen again.
Of course Lilith was still labeling every container of ice cream that went into the freezer...and
he had to admit he still laughed every time he saw one of those bright neon green labels.
"Yes...the Red forbid anyone else eats the White Queen's ice cream, cream."
"Please don't call me that. I cringe every time I hear it." Lilith states as she covers her face
with her hands.
Tiberius again lets out a chuckle as his eyes drift back to the wrestling displayed on the silent,
black & white television. It appeared Nova Taylor had been victorious over her opponent...but
she had now been cut open & left laying by Slate Bass & his partner Eden.
"What a waste, waste. I would actually pay to add a vial of that to my collection, collection."
The Priest states blankly as Lilith glares at him.
"I don't think anyone in the LDW is going to be handing over their blood to you willingly Tye."
Tiberius turns his attention away from the television & grins at the woman laid across his lap as
he replies, a somewhat sadistic grin now gracing his features.
"Well...there are "other" ways to acquire what I want, want. Want we will need, NEED."
The Priest takes another sip of wine before quickly changing the subject.
"Do you think we need a new television Lilith, Lilith?"
The tall woman glances at the old "idiot box" for a moment before replying.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt...but then none of us are really going to watch it much anyway."
Tiberius nods as he sips from his glass as Lilith continues.
"I'm not sure we'll really need a television once the new dining table arrives."
"That's understandable...but I guess we should check with the "children" before we make a final
decision, decision."
Lilith simply nods in agreement as she again stretches, still trying to get comfortable.
"Why do we need such a large dining table in the first place? There is only four of us...well
technically five...but the boy won't be an issue for a few more years yet."
The Priest sips from his wine once again before he again looks down at Lilith, a smirk on his face.
"Its mainly for when we have dinner guests my dear, dear."
"Oh really? And just who are you going to be inviting over for dinner Tye?"
"Honestly...I was going to invite Slate Bass & Eden over first, first."
Lilith's eyes immediately go wide as she responds to the suggestion.
"How much wine have you had to drink?"
Tiberius eyes his glass & the nearly empty bottle nearby before answering.
"Not that much really...I think two bottles...maybe three, three. I haven't really been keeping
track to be honest, honest."
"Well I think you've had enough." Lilith states as she makes a grab for the Priest's glass, which he
quickly lifts up & out of her reach.
"HEY! I'll say when I've had enough...& I don't see why I'd need to be blind drunk to suggest we
have the owners of the company we technically work for over for a peaceful dinner, dinner."
"Peaceful?! You're lying to yourself if you honestly think having those two over for dinner will
turn out to be a peaceful experience."
"Lilith my Darling...I may lie to myself...but I would never lie to you...and I'm telling you I will be
inviting Slate Bass & Eden over for dinner once we are ready to properly host them, them."
Lilith scoffs at his words & then simply turns over, now lying on her side, facing away from Tiberius.
The Priest rolls his blank, white eyes as he finishes off his wine, placing the now empty glass on top
of an old bookcase nearby. His now two free hands continue to gently roam over the body in front of
him as he speaks again, his voice calm & balanced.
"Lilith...the beast has been caged, caged. I'm not an animal anymore...and if I have my way I never
will be one again, again. I know you are worried about me...and you are concerned that if I fight again...
the beast will somehow reappear & ruin everything we now have, have."
Lilith slowly rolls back over & stares at Tiberius as he continues.
"I am so, SO lucky to have you...to have the three of you in my shattered & displaced life & I will
not return to living as a savage...not as long as I have a choice, choice. I want you to know that I
am in full control & that if I welcome anyone into this house...into OUR home...it will not be for
violence & war...but for company & conversation, conversation. I give you my word, word."
Tears begin to well in Lilith's eyes as she suddenly sits up & wraps her arms around Tiberius in a meaningful
embrace, an embrace he returns just as strongly. The two remain silent as they hold each other, the Priest
lightly rubbing Lilith's back in a soothing gesture as Zoe suddenly reappears from out of the kitchen, a random
book in her hand. The tiny woman pauses for a moment before asking her own question.
"Is everything okay in here?"
Tiberius just smiles at Zoe as he answers.
"Everything is fine Zoe, Zoe. Everything is just fine, FINE."
@Beavie Nova Taylor
@Jonny Nostradamus Slate Bass & Eden
Production Notes:
~ So perhaps I will posting "something" once every 2 weeks? Once a month won't work considering
the ideas I have & the ground I need to cover...
~ Yes...every promo title will feature a bleed, blood or red modifier...
~ So this promo is basically just a slice of "domestic living" so to speak...
~ The Crows are back...
~ I decided to set up a wrestling ring in the back yard...in case these people ever feel like using it.
~ Yes...I would gladly host any LDW matches there if asked...
~ The old, black & white TV came with the house...
~ So...the Tome of the Red was actually written in human blood...but Tiberius didn't write it...
~ Red Wine FTW! (No I don't drink)
~ There is no actual nudity in this promo...just the mention of it...
~ Potato & tuna bake with a raw root salad & cheesy garlic bread sounds tasty right?
~ Lilith is the only one who calls The Red Priest Tye...its her "nickname" for him...
~ So...the idea is that we are watching wrestlers watch a wrestling show of the company they wrestle for...
Kind of like if we watched Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch watch RAW...but with better chemistry.
~ Also its Episode 5 of PrimeTime they are watching...
~ Dinner on the Couch!
~ Please...no shouting during dinner...in fact no talking...just focus on eating...
~ There is a chore roster...its only fair that everyone helps out...
~ The "Red Son" doesn't actually have a proper name yet...I'm working on it.
~ The "Mauled" St. Bernard dog is a reference to the Stephen King book "Cujo" & yes that dog will be
returning in a future promo...
Cujo - Wikipedia
~ Flirty Flirt Flirt...
~ A "Vial for the Collection" you say?
~ Dinner guests? Say what?
~ So my idea is that eventually the Church of the Red will have EVERY roster member over for dinner
& I will get to work with every LDW member in someway...even if we don't have a match or feud going.
~ Of course this all depends on the other members of the LDW...and some members may not wish to
write their characters sitting at a dinner table having a quiet dinner with a "Cult"
~ So I wanted to have a sincere bonding moment between Tiberius & Lilith...& I wanted to show why as
characters their introduction into the LDW is more complex than just "jumping right in" to the grind.
~ The main idea is to build a relationship between two somewhat unbalanced & unhinged people...who
find a certain peace with each other. Make no mistake...these two would die for each other.
~ No...I'm not building to a character death.
~ Zoe reads A LOT...
~ Yes...these wrestlers will start wrestling soon!
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