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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. Greetings!!!!!

    No ,just not something I've experience arguing with a child, then again I do have a neice and nephew but again, no agro there...
  2. Greetings!!!!!

    Blimey just seen your FOURTEEN, I'm not arguing with you, nooo thank you... Enjoy your Turtles, power rangers and Dragon Ball Z... I'm off for a pint!
  3. Greetings!!!!!

    "The People that Spaz".. I can't even begin to go on at the amount of mistakes and confusion in that short paragraph you ignoramous.... Ahhhhhhahaha....
  4. Greetings!!!!!

    ...ahhh, hello, you must be the rude ignorant, lacking in any way of an etiquitte of speaking with peaopl that all forums have.. well, I guess I missed the 'correct' section, I am human after all...
  5. Greetings!!!!!

    Hiiii, I hope to add a little something to IW as I clearly did at ************* many moons ago.. :) We got any old members from there here? Stand up and be counted if so....... And yes, YES I am indeed a spastic, can the charge hand of IW please change my username and add an poxy 'e' after...