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  1. The GOAT

    Who is the bigger star?......Reigns or Ambrose

    Yeah, I'm sure people didn't love them because they were drawn to their charisma, personalities, ring work, etc. No, must be because the fans felt like rebelling against the system and decided to start supporting guys with less conventional/unorthodox looks instead of the usual customary-looking...
  2. The GOAT

    Who is the bigger star?......Reigns or Ambrose

    lol Completely wrong. When people love a superstar enough, they generally want to see them more and more and can almost never get enough of them. I didn't see people growing tired or apathetic of Punk during his 434 day title reign (some of his biggest reactions were even as a heel) or Bryan...
  3. The GOAT

    Who is the bigger star?......Reigns or Ambrose

    I doubt Reigns talking less would benefit him as much as people think it would. Jeff Hardy had pretty terrible mic skills, but was still extremely popular. RVD, too. Goldberg goes without mentioning. If you have charisma in spades, then a lack of good verbal skills shouldn't be enough to hold...
  4. The GOAT

    Who is the bigger star?......Reigns or Ambrose

    Neither is really a bigger star than the other is at the moment. Reigns has the better resume as far as kayfabe accomplishments go, but a person's overall star power isn't wholly determined by that. If they both left the industry today, neither could really say they left behind a bigger overall...