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  1. World Title makeover?

    Personally,I think that changing the WHC would serve no purpose. True, they made changes to both the WWE title and the ECW title when they really didnt need to, but I still think they need to leave WHC as it is. There's a lot of heritage behind it, and it is the best looking belt that they have...
  2. WWE's Most Effective TNA Steal

    I gotta disagree with that one. Nash 10 years ago I would agree with you, but not now. He would have to have a greatly reduced work schedule and Vince would not be willing to deal with that. It just would not be a wise or profitable acquisition for WWE. On top of that, TNA really would not miss...
  3. WWE's Most Effective TNA Steal

    Sting would be one of the first names to come to mind. Angle is also another big name that they would miss. Joe would be a good one as well, but the 'E wouldn't take him the way he looks right now. He's great in the ring but doesn't have the look Vince likes. Daniels actually would be pretty...
  4. Is Rey Losing The Mask?

    I really cant see much point in unmasking him again. He is much less marketable without the mask, and the obvious point has already been made that he already lost it once before, albeit with WCW. They will most likely let him keep the mask. It is a good business decision to do so.