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  1. SkateBoard Deck Designs

    Yeah they arn't bad, its hard to use alot of creativity when it is deck designs, but yeah I dont mind them. Nice work.
  2. No Way Out 2008 DVD Cover | JBL Poster

    Sorry it's a bit late, but better late than never! Also, just a quick poster I whipped up, nothing special, just a vector of a JBL PSD with some simple text and BG effects. Official and all really: :clap:
  3. Edge/Jeff Hardy

    love the edge one, hardy one is lame. Pretty original sig tho, text is nice. On the whole, I like.
  4. Vectorizing Cena..

    3rd one, as the text in the rest isnt so good. In the 3rd text effects are fine, just I dont like the font choice. Vector is cool tho.
  5. The Greatest Showcase Ever

    Well you are pretty much, David said so didnt he in Gfx.
  6. The Greatest Showcase Ever

    Ill post a tutorial on how to do some basic things if you want, like the BG to that surivior series, the basic layout of that Most important one and stuff. Just post in here what you want done and I'll do it regarding I have time, Liam keeps trying to make me have a social life and go out and...
  7. The Greatest Showcase Ever

    Go for it mate, aslong as you give me credit, lol.
  8. Should marijuana be legalized?

    ..or if it gets leagalised more of society would bum out and taxes would innevitably go up. Look at the bigger picture, not just some person getting high.
  9. Basic Signature Tutorial

    .....then resize them?
  10. Should marijuana be legalized?

    Lol fair enough. My argument is more than valid. Nobody has died from it, it's not going to say "Died of Marjuana" but it may say "Died of Cancer" (just an example) as it is known to increase the chances of Cancer. If it was any good it would be legal, it has been around long enough. You...
  11. Should marijuana be legalized?

  12. Should marijuana be legalized?

    I do know they can be used methodicly as I previously stated. However if it wasnt a bad thing then why isnt it legal yet the other things mentioned such as alcohol are legal?
  13. President-ness / Priminister-ness Game

    Thats the whole point. It would be really good if we get enough people who actually take it with a certain level or seriousness to win, would be well fun.
  14. President-ness / Priminister-ness Game

    This got me thinking, there are many problems going on the world as of late, such as global warming, housing problems, fuels, greenhouse effect etc etc. This is a game I'm just making up now. With the whole america voting thing going on now, I say people post in here saying I'm in, get a...
  15. Should marijuana be legalized?

    We would spend the same on benefit increase and taxes. By the end of the week, I will post a blog type speech on how to solve the worlds problems, so bare with me, lol.
  16. WHy would you ban the member above you..

    because surely he has more of a life as to post almost every other time in most discussion threads / spam threads he is in. He is banned to me. @ peepshow: Its true, its damn true..:P
  17. WHy would you ban the member above you..

    For just spamming/posting all the time in all the treads. In this page alone, he is every other post 5 times in a row.
  18. Should marijuana be legalized?

    Yeha I see what you mean on all of those fronts. Like you said alot of things can be considered bad (alcohol etc) but they are all legal and clearly they are for a reason. I dont know loads about Marjuana and I will admit that. But from what I know, it just dosnt have any positive fronts...
  19. WHy would you ban the member above you..

    Because he had no intention of freeing WS before i came up with the movement. Clearly he is a fraud.
  20. Should marijuana be legalized?

    People saying that Weed is no good for our society is completly differnt from ******s and their rights. (I called them that not because I'm racist, but because I find it funny that it's filtered :P) But I just find that irrelevant, and not even the same type of problem. They said that about...