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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. Comeback Kid

    Trevor Ocean

    Character name: Trevor Ocean Height: 5 ft 10 Weight: 215 lbs Age or D.O.B.: September 4, 1993 Billed From: Kansas City, Missouri Face/heel/tweener: Face Gimmick/Background: Trevor Ocean, a once-revered tag-team champion, now finds himself at a crossroads, seeking to carve his path and redefine...
  2. Comeback Kid

    Back in Business Post Night Two Press Conference

    The atmosphere is tense as reporters and cameras fill the hotel ballroom, eagerly awaiting the arrival of a professional wrestler. The room buzzes with anticipation, and the sound of hushed whispers fills the air. Suddenly, the doors swing open, and in strides, Shawn Summers dressed in a...
  3. Comeback Kid

    FWA/CWA Graphics | CBK

    Graphics I've created over time for the FWA and CWA wrestling feds. The thread will update as I make more stuff. EVENT/SHOW LOGOS EVENT/PPV POSTERS AND BANNERS MATCHUP GRAPHICS CHAMPIONSHIPS
  4. Comeback Kid

    Noah Stocke

    NOAH STOCKE DISPOSITION Tweener WRESTLING STYLE Technical Brawler Moveset Basic Moves Bridging leg hook belly-to-back suplex Triple rolling double under hook suplex Pendulum backbreaker Sleeperhold Sitout powerbomb Frankensteiner Brainbuster High knee Soccer kick Scissors stomp to a...
  5. Comeback Kid

    "Der Basterd" Shawn Summers

    BIOGRAPHY Hometown: Laguna Beach, California Age: 32 | Height: 6 foot 1 | Weight: 225 pounds DISPOSITION Heel WRESTLING STYLE American Strong Style (Technical + Strong Style) When wrestling, Shawn is very close and tight to his opponent. His offense does not allow his opponents to have much...