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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. CFCrusader

    Speaking of Damien Sandow...

    In honour of our saviour of the unwashed masses, I have created a Steam group called the Ignoramus Elimination Squad. We must follow in his footsteps and become scholars, so will you join us on our epic quest? But seriously, this is a joke group intended for a bunch of people to just show their...
  2. CFCrusader

    New TNA video game

    Hey guys, it's been a while since the last Impact! Wrestling video game and with TNA having gained momentum since last year, it's the right time for a new one on the consoles. I'm sure we can all name a solid roster, good game modes and other things we want in the game that could market itself...
  3. CFCrusader

    WWE's Main Event

    Massive changes have undergone in the WWE, one of which means that Main Event is now the main show, while Smackdown is the secondary show. With these massive changes, WWE have been able to recruit new superstars that could revolutionize the world of wrestling. Welcome, to WWE's Main Event. Our...
  4. CFCrusader

    Delete threads

  5. CFCrusader

    Great British Wrestling

    A new era of wrestling is beginning. Welcome, everyone. Welcome to... GREAT BRITISH WRESTLING! Shows: (Thursday Night) Main Event (Sunday Night) Kick-Off PPVs: January - King of the Ring March - Locked Up May - Slammiversary July - X-Travaganza September - Against All Odds November - Overdrive...
  6. CFCrusader

    Be the Booker

    I'm not sure about this, but I know I like to make up my own promotions/change the booking of WWE shows and remove the stupid mistakes they make or push my own favourite superstar so maybe we could have a 'Be the Booker' type of section where we can write about our own made-up wrestling...
  7. CFCrusader

    Ermahgerd, hai!

    Hey there, my name is CFCrusader and I'm a 14 year old wrestling fan. I got into wrestling after seeing the last few PPVs of 2011, and then I got hooked during CM Punk's year old reign as the WWE champion. My favourite three wrestlers are CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry. Of course, I also...