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  1. Lackin

    Royal Rumble Rumble Pred.(Not Watched WWE in Ages)

    Hey up guys I'm sort of back for like the 50th time (Wonder how long for this time):brock4: Was talking to a colleague in work about who should win the rumble and bearing in mind I haven't watched WWE since Summerslam just browsed YouTube and kept in the loop on Twitter and I had an interesting...
  2. Lackin

    Are the Shield Heel?

    So I've not been watching WWE for months now but decided to watch Summerslam and hopefully get back into it. On Raw we saw the attempted cash in on Roman by Braun in which The Shield came to Romans aid. IMO I think if they ran with this it would be great. The shield holding gold and stopping any...
  3. Lackin

    Hogan Back in HOF

    Wasn't expecting that! Maybe that Extreme Rules appearance rumour isn't so alien after all.
  4. Lackin

    Favourite AHS Series

    Not gonna lie I have been obsessed with the American Horror Series since I was introduced to it a few years ago. But one thing I have noticed is that everyone has a different series that they deem best for one reason or another. (I will miss series 7 cult as I have not seen it yet. Waiting for...
  5. Lackin

    Bray Wyatt Injured in Car Crash

    WWE.COM Posted "Bray Wyatt was in a car accident Friday and has sustained multiple injuries, can confirm. Wyatt was en route to the airport for this past weekend’s Raw WWE Live Events when he was in a head-on automobile collision that left his car totaled. He was treated at Tampa...
  6. Lackin

    What's your Poison?

    Just wondered what are peoples choice of alcohol. Me personally stick to what I know. Favourite Beers are Kronenbourg and Budweiser. Don't drink wine or spirits but am savvy to cocktails like Woo Woo. Don't talk to me about Sambuca or Jager because me and them don't get along.
  7. Lackin

    WWE Super Show Down @ MCG Melbourne

    October 6th Live Super Show Triple H vs. The Undertaker for the FINAL Time. This is gonna be BIG!
  8. Lackin

    Your 1st Thread?

    Came accross the option to find all of your Threads. Very Interesting. So what are everyone's? My first thread was an introduction which was about as fun as you would think. Hi My first topic thread, however. SERIOUS QUESTION To find your's go to: >Your Profile >Postings >Scroll to the...
  9. Lackin

    AMA Didn't know the forum had one of these!?

    Why not?
  10. Lackin

    Would Punk still be in WWE if?

    Was watching WrestleMania 29 earlier this week and I couldn't help thinking say if Punk was successful against The Rock at the Royal Rumble 2013 and went on to headline WM how different would not only that 'Mania be but the whole WWE? Who do you think would have faced 'Taker at the Show? Would...
  11. Lackin

    WWE 2K19 Officially Announced

    SOURCE - 'WWE 2K19' Officially Announced For Late 2018 The logo was always gonna look like this, however, the background is very similar to the WWE13 GFX so possible Attitude Era theme?
  12. Lackin

    Book the Rumble

    Lil Game Its 15:30 you have just received a text from Vince he wants you to come to WWE HQ and lead a creative meeting. He wants you to decide the Rumble Winner. With the current storylines (Post Slam '17). Who's winning the Rumble and Why? What's the Mania Main Event. The Club go to SD and...
  13. Lackin

    Xbox Games w/ Gold Sep '17

    Forza 5 GOTY = TBH I think a wiser choice would be 6 due to 7 coming soon Oxenfree = Never heard of it. Hydro Thunder Hurricane = Sounds like a 90's action cliche Battlefield 3 = Great addition (if it was 2012) But their free so not to complain. :woohoo:
  14. Lackin

    COD Infinite Warfare + MW1 Remaster Confirmed + Trailer!

    Actually looks pretty good. And OMG! MW1 OMG!
  15. Lackin

    How would you book a returning star?

    If you could have any superstar past or present return to wwe or make their wwe debut, How would you incorporate them into current wwe storylines? See my favorite superstar of all time was/is Edge and I would love to see him back in the WWE but that is never going to happen. But if it were I...
  16. Lackin

    Y2J vs KO Oct 3rd

  17. Lackin

    Where does the US title go from here?

    There is no doubt that when John Cena won the US title from Rusev earlier this year at Wrestlemania the credibility and value of the title dramatically increased. And when Seth Rollins took the title from Cena at Summerslam the titles credibility grew even higher. But where does the title go...
  18. Lackin

    WWE US Title Merge?

    I know it's not gonna happen but just imagine. "The Following contest is for the WWE United World Heavyweight Championship" :psycho::psycho:
  19. Lackin

    RR or MITB for Mid Card Titles?

    Would you oppose the idea of having a MITB briefcase for the US/IC title? A MITB match let's say at Wrestlemania or MITB PPV. For example the Ladder match at Wrestlemania this year for the IC title was pretty entertaining. Or the option to have a mini rumble let's say 15 man or 15 man battle...
  20. Lackin

    WM 33 Location Teased?