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  1. The Gipper

    Who should go to 205 Live?

    People are talking about who should go to raw and who should go to smackdown so let's get some coverage on the lesser known brand known as 205! Who do you think on the current roster would be better in the cruiserweight division? Personally I'm gonna go with Gable & Benjamin just because Shelton...
  2. The Gipper

    Cena and Nikki break up!

    Cena and Nikki have broken up due to reports from us weekly. John Cena & Nikki Bella Shockingly Break Up: WWE Couple Splits After 6 Years Together
  3. The Gipper

    Rate SmackDown 10th April 2018

    Well this has been a while since I've done a review thread. So let's go crazy! !!!! Nobody else does colour these days why should I? :(
  4. The Gipper

    The fancasting thread

    So recently I've had a hobby of recasting roles, I did it with the recast WWEF members as movie/TV characters thread that I did ages ago. So I thought screw it I've done threads for everything else that's popped into my head so let's try this. So right now I'm just going through the mcu and...
  5. The Gipper

    WWEF's Greatest Superheroes

    I actually have this picture on my wall above my bed, it's quite cool. XD Yea, I took less time to do another list except....this list is completely different. Because it's not about WWE. To hype up Marvel's Infinity War, what better to do than the favourite superheroes. The same score system...
  6. The Gipper

    Wrestling observer awards 2018!

    Well this is a bit late...but here are the awards for last year! A lot of the winners aren't a surprise. Okada winning best wrestler I had no doubt in.
  7. The Gipper

    WrestleMania Wrestlemania Bingo: Year Anniversary Edition!

    Ladies and Gentlemen and etc! Welcome to the 2nd annual Wrestlemania bingooooo! After the technical issues that happened while I was away, I am back in biz. A massive thank you to @Crithu to captaining the ship of the rumble bingo while I was away. Anyway, you know the draw. You sign up, I make...
  8. The Gipper

    NXT Tapings reveal new title?

    So if you keep up to date with tapings and stuff or twitter just spoiled it, lol. Anyway so here's what happened at the latest one yesterday. I like the name. Very retro. Plus this should be a good match to start considering who's in it.
  9. The Gipper

    Oscars 2018 Predictions

    That's right folks, the time has come once again for the Hollywood elite to recognize the Hollywood elite and then endure the Hollywood elite giving speeches about how progressive the Hollywood elite are. It only comes once a year but it's always great to hear JUST how great they all are and I'm...
  10. The Gipper

    A Kim Possible Live Action Movie is happening.

    Kim Possible to get live-action movie Hollywood's determination to destroy all childhoods continues. Anyways thoughts? And who do you think would be a good Kim Possible? I was thinking Karen Gillian but that might be because I just watched Jumanji...I don't know.
  11. The Gipper

    WWEF's Greatest Mania Matches

    Hey, remember that list thread I did that one time? Well I'm doing it again because I'm not good at logically thinking things through. WWEFs favourite matches (2010-2017) (huh....that was nearly a year ago. Interesting.) But this time it's greatest Mania matches because it's wrestlemania...
  12. The Gipper

    This ain't right..

    School shooting that injured four students now believed unintentional, police say; 12-year-old girl is booked ...A literal 12 year old bringing a gun into school to presumably defend herself. That shouldn't be something happening in 2018.
  13. The Gipper

    WWEF'S Christmas 2017 Discussion Thread

    So since someone forgot to do it this year....*cough* Snake *cough* Here's the thread where you discuss Christmas! (and new years if you want to....they're really close together so I don't think it matters.) Here's last years one...if you're interested. WWEF's Christmas 2016 Discussion Thread...
  14. The Gipper

    Which WWEF Member are you?

    Which WWEF Member are you? I was bored.
  15. The Gipper


  16. The Gipper


    "Hello"- The Queen [/SPOILER]
  17. The Gipper

    Non Wrestling Fans react to wrestlers

    First off, I know the title reminds you of a Fine Bros video, shush. Okay so I was browsing the forum and twitter and stuff at College and my friend came over and asked is the picture, I was looking at Jon Snow? This was the picture that I was hovering over. I laughed and I googled Kenny...
  18. The Gipper

    TOP 50 Superhero films.

    So the youtube channel Collider is currently listing the top 50 superhero films, going one by one each day, and I'm interested so here's a thread about it. The production quality is really high for this series plus it has Jon Schnepp & the Schmoes. *Shrugs*
  19. The Gipper

    Sami and KO sent home from EU tour?

    .....What happened on Smackdown, exactly?
  20. The Gipper

    Survivor Series The final member of Team SD is revealed

    John Cena is the fifth member of Team SmackDown My reaction: