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  1. Andrew

    WWE Axxess Results

    Ezekiel Jackson beat Hunico via Torture Rack in the first match held Thursday night at WrestleMania Axxess in Miami, Florida. In a battle of WWE developmental wrestlers, Seth Rollins defeated Dean Ambrose in the second bout. Rollins obtained the victory in the seven-minute match following a...
  2. Andrew

    Smackdown Spoilers

    1. Chris Jericho beat Kofi Kingston. An exciting match with several near falls. Jericho's jacket is off the chain in person! 2. Zack Ryder beat Drew McIntyre. Ryder used the Rough Ryder finisher to get the win. Big Show came out and cut a promo on how he would have his Wrestlemania moment...
  3. Andrew

    If you were a wrestler....

    What would your wrestler name be? Finishers? Theme Song? Alignment? Gimmick? Thought I'd make a thread to generate some discussions. If I was a wrestler I'd be Drew Alexander, yes it's my ACW name however Drew given my name is Andrew and Alexander is a popular name in my family and ancestors...
  4. Andrew

    WWE Experimenting a tag team

    WWE will experiment with Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez teaming together for the upcoming live event tour of Puerto Rico. Del Rio and Ricardo will be facing WWE Tag Team Champions Primo and Epico. Ricardo wrestling :mark:
  5. Andrew

    Smackdown Spoilers

    1. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan comes out for a promo. He's predictably interrupted by his WrestleMania XXVIII opponent Sheamus. Sheamus said he'd beat him and called Bryan DANNY BOY, FELLA. This promo was underwhelming just like this feud. Two awesome superstars combine for the...
  6. Andrew

    David Guetta Sig

    Been a while since I done some GFX work. Rate/Hate
  7. Andrew

    Tarver calls out John Cena Thoughts on this video?
  8. Andrew

    Top WWE Executive Released

    Sources are confirming that Ty Bailey, who worked directly under John Laurinaitis as Vice President in WWE's Talent Relations department is gone from the company. Word is that WWE released him from his contract yesterday. Bailey had an NFL background before coming to WWE. He oversaw the...
  9. Andrew

    Veteran northeast referee Dick Woehrle dies at 81

    Dick Woehrle, who died Monday afternoon of colon cancer at 81, was easily one of the most recognizable wrestling referees in history. In a time when the state athletic commission generally assigned the arbiter in the ring, he worked in the Northeast, in some of the biggest markets, for the...
  10. Andrew

    WWE signs DGUSA Wrestler

    WWE have completed the signing of independent wrestler Brodie Lee (Jon Huber) to a developmental contract. Lee, who is a near-seven-foot-tall big man, is the latest wrestler who has worked for Dragon Gate USA to be signed by WWE. Great move in my opinion, hopefully he can use his package...
  11. Andrew

    Smackdown *Spoilers* 9th March 2012

    The show opened with John Laurinaitis and David Otunga in the cage. He announced a steel cage match for the U.S. championship 1. Santino Marella defeated Jack Swagger to retain the U.S. Title. Dolph tried to climb in halfway through so Santino Cobra'd both hands while he was climbing. The...
  12. Andrew

    Australian wrestler heading to SHIMMER's taping in the next couple of weeks

    The woman we have dubbed “the busiest female wrestler in Australiaâ€￾ has added more dates to her already-bulging diary. Aussie cheerleader Shazza McKenzie is currently in the US, training with CHIKARA and Combat Zone Wrestling, and made her North American debut last night at the East Coast...
  13. Andrew

    WWE Smackdown Spoilers for Friday

    * Sheamus kicks off the show and comes out to a big pop. He begins to talk about WrestleMania 28 but is interrupted by Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is pulling double duty this week on both shows. Teddy Long ends up appearing and makes Sheamus vs. Ziggler for right now. *...
  14. Andrew

    McIntyre new gimmick at a House Show in Honduras

    Ezekiel Jackson def Drew Mcyntire (Drew started a new sexually ambiguous gimmick, kissing the guys in the crowd and undoing his hair and started combing it mid match). Cody Rhodes interfered afterwards nailing Crossroads on Zeke. Thoughts on his new gimmick?
  15. Andrew

    The Intercontinental Championship

    The last time Cody Rhodes defended it was January 6th, 2012. Shouldn't the belt be defended every thirty day? The last time he did anything with the belt was when he faced Booker T. I understand they're giving him a long reign but wouldn't it be better if he actually defended it? With this...
  16. Andrew

    WWE Smackdown 21st February Live Discussion Thread

    This week Smackdown! will be live. The last time it was a Live Smackdown! It was deemed a success. Tonight CM Punk will take on Daniel Bryan in a Singles Match. We saw this happen a few weeks ago on Monday Night RAW and it was praised. Will we see a winner in this match as the two champions...
  17. Andrew

    AFL WrestlingSmarks SuperCoach League

    669662 is the League Code number. Please list down what your team name is and do discuss who you think may be a bargain and who may be a flop. Best of luck to everyone who joins!
  18. Andrew


    Source: RingsideNews Wow... Guess they brought Orton back a bit too soon after that fall. Mark Henry would be a good choice, however I'd go with Christian.
  19. Andrew

    CWF Last Ride: European Championship - Aries vs. Edge

    This thread is for Austin Aries (Chriss) & Edge (Got_Swag) Best of luck!
  20. Andrew

    CWF Last Ride: Intercontinental Championship - Miz vs. Ultramantis Black

    This thread is for The Miz (Awesome Miz) & Ultramantis Black (hyourinmaru) GOOD LUCK!