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  1. Degenerates!

    * Signs * Deal me in. I'm up for a reunion. This place needs some more controversy ... all friendly of course.
  2. Vince 'Death' Storyline The Original Final Outcome

    Me neither. It could still go down great. I guess WWE is just too shit scared incase the media jump on them AGAIN. Pussies.
  3. Could Regal be a GM?

    Regal is great at whatever he does, but he doesn't seem to ever be pushed by WWE, so a GM role could be agreat for him. It was really refreshing seeing him run Raw monday night and his mic skills have always been great. He is (of the) the best for the Raw GM role currently.
  4. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Tiebreaker

    MattHardyV1/LegendKiller 21 vs Italian Outsider/MonkeyStyles
  5. Degenerates!

    I was the BIGGEST signing in Degenerate history ... It was the best kept secret in IWF history. ... Then I relaise how pathetic it was ad quit :)
  6. Triple H has second thoughts about his return fued

    DX is dead. Trust me. When they return, they will go their seperate ways ... teaming up every now and again when necessary. Triple H and HBK are more more useful to WWE as singles stars, than as DX. Also, Triple H will turn heel by the end of the year, so DX couldn't carry on anyway.
  7. Members = Cartoons?

    I don't know who I am either ...
  8. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Semi Finals

    8-6! come onnnnn vote for usss :D
  9. Vince 'Death' Storyline The Original Final Outcome

    The plan was for Vince to return in the Summer and state he had faked his own death, whilst revealing his accomplis ... MR KENNEDY.
  10. Which Member Has Improved The Most Since Their Debut

    The Dark Knight, hands down. Everyone knows my former thoughts on the guy. he has come a long way.
  11. Who has improved the most since there debut?

    Don't be scared to voice your opinions. You never know, one day, after all those bashings, you might be praised ... keep the dream alive!
  12. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Semi Finals

    If you are already a member of staff ... you will recieve a promotion* * terms and conditions apply.
  13. Triple H has second thoughts about his return fued

    * Title edited *
  14. chris masters and carlito

    Maters sucks and seriously needs to get off my TV (which he has, by going to SD!). Carlito is good and could/should be pushed, but seems to be lost in the shuffle on Raw. Should have gone to SD! or ECW.
  15. Huge news

    Hasn't been your week has it, Punk? Hardly the mos popular guy here these days. * Thread Closed *
  16. Domino Injured

    It's your opinion to say that Domino is injured? WTF? That was never the issue. Information was posted that a current WWE star suffered an injury and a discussion started about the possibility of a potential feud being scrapped because of it. You were the one who made a dumbass comment. And...
  17. Is Lashley a heel?

    Lashley is not a heel. is a face and will continue to be a face for the considerable future. However, he will be playing the heel role during his feud with Cena, due to the fact that Cena is so successful as a face and WWE is scared to turn him heel. Speaking of Lashley, it he were to turn...
  18. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Semi Finals

    Nooooooo the Power Trip are losing 7-4 ... a vote for the Power Trip will increase your chances of becoming a Mod considerably, might I add :) So if you have aspirations of being promoted to Staff, vote for the ultimate heel duo, 3lions and This Guy :) Btw: MattHardyV1/Legend Killer 21 vs...
  19. Who has improved the most since there debut?

    Randy Orton. When he first debuted, he was very, very average in the ring (in my eyes anyway). His gimmick/personality was average at best and he seemed destined to be an average midcarder all his career. However, he is now one of the best in the WWE and has the potential to headline WWE for...
  20. Will Matt and/or Jeff Hardy ever be Main Event material?

    * rolls eyes * kids these days ... Mic skills are pretty self-explainatory. 'Mic' refers to the microphone wrestler's use to 'cut promo's' and 'skills' refer to how good the wrestler is at cutting these promo's. Hence the term 'mic skills' was coined.