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  1. Landon Donovan Sig. Major Rep.

    I'm not to big on Soccer but here is my go.. It's real generic I guess you can say.. Well I hope this cools everything between us..
  2. A FAMOUS Relative

    :roflmao: that was a good one Lennie..
  3. The Brian Kendrick

    Awesome man.. Repped
  4. All Kentucky-an's This Shit is for you..

    :disgust: Get your gay ass in here mister anus.. A few reasons I made this.. 1) Because you are indeed a sorry pieace of shit. 2) Because the other thread is being over flowed with to much bull. 3) Because I need to see if we can work out a discount with your grand dad's chicken. How...
  5. WWE: The Unpredictable Age

    Just finished reading.. Opening Scene: I was confused here. In kayfabe it's a good thing to not be in the card ESPECIALLY before such a big match such as Hunter's. Why would he complain about not being in the card? To Be Honest that made NO sense what so ever. I didn't like it at all...
  6. A FAMOUS Relative

    Jackass... Go to colle- hold on go to high school.. Then, take some reading courses... Some literature classes.. Read a book.. Stop disgracing your own "race", and stop using the N-Word gosh.. Dude stop being a loser your not funny. You think that if you insult us like we insult you.. Idiot
  7. TT.Tiger tamer

    Oh ok.. This is complicated man.. I say make a thread in the BTB section called whatever this fed is called.. Where you post the show's, and matches.. Make votes via pm.. Have another thread here where everyone role play's simper, more organized, and less confusing
  8. TT.Tiger tamer

    Well I think the easiest thing is continuing with ABC. But then again you can do any of the others that honestly will just make you better.. I mean it depends.. I've tryed to set myself with a goal with all my BTB's now.. Like to try and get on the top 10 with each one.. Well those are my two...
  9. The Official Undertaker Return Thread

    I wish he would either come back as The American Badass gimmick, of atleast a new gimmick. The Deadman is getting really played out, and boring.. I mean he's approaching his last run, and needs to switch it up.. EDIT: Damnit, I just saw on that on the match preview The Undertaker is...
  10. Top 25 WWE Finishing Moves

    :mad_1: I still think that The Stink Face should be number four, or three...
  11. The pregnant man.. Isn't pregnant man!

    Yeah man it's like mankind's obsessed with going against god's will.. It's ridiculously crazy
  12. The pregnant man.. Isn't pregnant man!

    ^Agree.. It's nasty.. Call me a steriotype but I'm VERY religious, and don't believe that we were made for that crap. It's sick, and wrong in my opinion
  13. WWE's horrible names

    Major Brother's was gay TBH. It reminded me of the superhero from Dexter's Laboratory Major Glory. That was so gay. But I liked The Major brothers better than Hawkins and Rider. Which is SO gay.
  14. BTB Match Writing Tournament

    Well good match CMS. It was cool how you re-did a match. Good job..
  15. BTB Match Writing Tournament

    My vote goes for Lennie. I loved Roxxi's it's just that I'm not a big diva's/knockout's fan. Even though the match was great. It was just hard to get into. Good job Roxxi! Lennie also had a good match.. And was fun reading.
  16. batman and the joker signature picture request

    Aw shit Jwind that was EXACTLY what I was going for :fail: Damnit.. I will post mine up anyway's.. Give me 20
  17. Wrestling Survey

    Favorite Wrestler: Triple H Favorite Promotion: WWE Favorite Brand: Raw Favorite RAW Wrestler: John Cena Favorite ECW Wrestler: Matt Hardy Favorite Smackdown Wrestler: Triple H Favorite WWE Alumni: The Rock Favorite Hall of Famer: Bret Hart Favorite TNA Wrestler: Samoa...
  18. Two face and Joker

    Because I'm seeing it tonight man.. Also Kassidy I will give it two attempts.. I will get the first up in a sec I just need to touch it up.
  19. Two face and Joker

    LOL it's ok man.. I'll give it a go now, I'm back in the mood for GFX!! I'm got new brushes!!! Awesome!!! I'll give a Joker sig a go.
  20. The pregnant man.. Isn't pregnant man!

    Well the most controversial birth in the history of birth's happened. This is about the most stupid thing that has even happened.She is still a "she" no matter what anyone wants to think or say.Your are trying to make me believe that one can cut off their breast and start growing a beard and...