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  1. How to use a bong:

    :confused: We have a party coming up for our close friend, and he's leaving to Texas, so we're going to get each other high at the party. I doubt the weed will be a problem, but how do you use a bong. We all figured it'd be better to do it since none of us know how to break the budd up, and...
  2. Failed a grade?

    Year three meaning the third grade? :confused:
  3. Ask THE Renegade A Question

    Eh, honestly, your pretty sweet so I'd say it would suck one quarter of the time if it wasn't for MikeRaw <3.
  4. Failed a grade?

    My worst time period would have to be from the second semester of the 6th grade, to the second semester of the 7th. I wasn't failing, but my grades were at C, and D averages. I ended up passing, and then in the 8th grade, I took all honors classes, and had life going pretty sweet for me. 9th...
  5. House Music?

    Word, what do you listen to?
  6. Gards you filthy bastard

    Not that I know of, but he is riding them (or should I say BKB) harder than any pornstar I've ever seen. Lol Moonlight, BKB is an evil genius. He probably has two laptops, and a portable device to have conversations with himself. I never said you "guys" weren't smart.
  7. Gards you filthy bastard

    And you all are the same person with well plotted persona's. Gards: The guy who gets picked on out of the group. BKB: The real guy. The alpha-aussie. Moonlight Drive: The mid-carder version of BKB. CT Styles: The equivalent to BKB. seX- Power: The manager of the Aussie's...
  8. House Music?

    An opinion is like a nose, everyone has one.
  9. Gsp

    Honestly, I'm digging it. The only thing that I don't like is the squares to the far end of the right side, and its too small. Good strategy, as you can't spot mistakes in smaller GFX.
  10. The ripper

    When it comes to Rose, I don't think answering questions is necessary. Also, if you're talking to me. I honestly don't care if you're a he-she. GTFO. I know everyone's a dick to you. It pains me to join the fray, but when you're an ass its hard to treat you nicely. <3
  11. Gards you filthy bastard

    BWO > Team Aussie. Just sayin'.
  12. Ask THE Renegade A Question

    The hottest internet faction on the scene! The BLAZE WORLD ORDER (i think). With greats such as myself, MikeRaw, J-Dawg, wordlife, LHR, and Kenfan we are the best group of individuals you will ever see. Honestly, with all due respect, I believe you should join.
  13. House Music?

    And/Or club music, is what is going on in almost every party I'm at. People love this shit with a passion. Who listens to it? Who can reccommend any good songs to jam out to? What are you're opinions on it. I personally think that its a pretty sick genre. I just don't know any names, to any...
  14. TT.Tiger tamer

    Never heard of any other ratio's, but I think thats all a crock of bs. If you have someone who recapps every aspect from the beads of sweat on their face, to the miscalculated steps, obviously it will take them a lot more to write a few lock transitions, and a finisher being countered than...
  15. Ask THE Renegade A Question

    CMS, I've started man. I swear. I just haven't finished reading the damn thing. I'm at the Jeff Hardy v. Edge match. I'm kind of in slow reader mode, and besides the show is fucking long. I got you though :wink:. Airfixx, its because I am all that repersents all. I am the guy you wish to be...
  16. Gards you filthy bastard

    Forreal Kiz. That shit is awesome lol. Damn, I hate all you Aussie's though. Its like its all just one big group of alternate accounts by BKB. WTF.
  17. Ask THE Renegade A Question

    Honestly, I don't have one sole favorite star. I have been told I write best with Chris Jericho, so maybe he fits the description. I'd love to write a full match with John Cena, and the one's I've wrote with Randy Orton have been fun, and easy. I also find ease writing with Gregory Helms. My...
  18. The ripper

    Change you're damn name, Jack The Ripper killed many people, and raped them and youve got you're name as The Ripper, you paying tribute to him or summit? I second what seX said. And I'd like to bring up that you indeed were raped by Jack The Ripper. Rose, and Jack The Ripper's...