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  1. Randy Orton

    I'll go with the second. The black, and white brings the focal point of the GFX way more than the other.
  2. Ask BKB A Question.

    Planning on changing you're signature in awhile? Awfully cruel on my eyes.
  3. Some BTB stuff

    I honestly like both. The only thing I can complain about since we are pointing out flaws, is that in the WWE one, Triple H seems a bit darker than Orton & Undertaker. Maybe its just my eyes, but that is what it seems like. As for the text, there's not much wrong with it, its just that...
  4. TT.Tiger tamer

    I'd think of the CAPS, and bolding as adding emphasis to the move, and the damgage done by it. The dropkick was one midair so of course its going to rock the opposing wrestler. So I just stick to highlight big moves? I'd probably just continue as followed, minus highlighting MIDAIR, and stuff lol.
  5. Wrestlemania 25 Survey

    1) Was it a good move, or a bad move having HHH defeat Randy Orton in the main event to Wrestlemania 25? Everyone would have rather Orton win, but it all depends on the booking. I honestly did believe WM XXV was Orton's night to reign supreme, guess not. Next year better be the year. 2)...
  6. Cell Phone Provider. (Rep Thread)

    Sidekick LX, or 08 imo. It's a T-Mobile phone, and I was in love with mine. Web works fast, as does instant messenger. My Sidekick broke though, & now I'm using the Samsung Gravity. Also a good phone, and its only $220 here in Miami. Has a keyboard, good camera, the only negative is...
  7. Kaedon

    Hey..... SEAN... You're so the topic of my next thread~! Lets look up bitch fight on Youtube.
  8. TT.Tiger tamer

    Flamation Chamber ftw. Anyways, just an update. I have a rather epic BTB on the come up, and refuse to post until I have at least two shows done, which quite frankly isn't much since I'm using recaps. Also, I'm going to be highlighting the big moves in a match, what are you're thoughts on...
  9. CM Punk has his eyes on a championship

    lmaolmaolmao. Anyways, mark my words, WM XXVI main event: CM Punk versus Santina Marrella.
  10. TT.Tiger tamer

    :shocking: imho, we should now settle this like real men. Wrestlemania style. Test of 'Strength'.
  11. Some BTB stuff

    Fuck, you're awesome. I'm going with those without a doubt. You're officially a god along with XBA.