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  1. hello guys

    I think it's Monkeystyle.
  2. If You Go to the Gym...

    Not true. If you run on a treadmill for 30 mins at 6 mph you'll burn almost 400 calories, walking the same time at 3 mph might give you 150-200. Running builds stamina but does a number on your knees and gives you shin splints if you don't do it properly.
  3. What browser do you use?

    I just downloaded Firefox and so far I'm not disappointed. All of the gifs run just fine without slowing down. Sweet!
  4. Let's talk opinions

    ^^^It becomes incorrect if you say something that you believe is factual. For example if you said that World War II ended in 1987 and you thought that was just too long for a little war. That would be an incorrect opinion.
  5. Ad says 'workers must speak Polish'

    Evidently, equality is only things a certain person/entity likes.
  6. Cities bidding for WM 28, 29 and 30

    I didn't read through too much of this thread but Wrestlemania 30 whould be in MSG! Why is there even a debate?
  7. Vince McMahon's "Mr. McMahon" Character Reportedly Finished

    I give McMahon a lot of credit for having the balls to get involved physically. He's almost 65 and even though he's reasonably healthy, his body can't be cooperating all the time.
  8. Edge/Rated R Superstar graphic request

    ^^^I thought it was from Wrestlemania 8 with Bret Hart, that was a beauty too!
  9. Has Daniels Outgrown X-Division?

    ^^^Yes and then went back down to the X-Division. That was the impetus behind this thread.
  10. If You Go to the Gym...

    I used to work out at home. I finally changed to a gym last year because I kept taking too many days off. It's easy when your stuff is at home. I found that having a place to go to make it easier for me to get motivated.
  11. What browser do you use?

    I'm just about to download firefox based on recommendation from members here, don't let me down people!
  12. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie 2012

    Air Supply...only kidding! Bob Seger- Turn the page, classic rock n roll!
  13. Latest Purchase

    Ruger mini-14 rifle, same as our DOC uses.
  14. Free Flow WWE

    ^^^DH Smith in Legacy would've been great. In Florida they were Hart Foundation 2.0 or something like that. Still, I like this better.
  15. No More Surprise Cash-ins Please

    I want a guy to win MITB and not carry around the briefcase for the whole year and never have commentators mention his win. Then, after the Elimination Chamber ppv, he goes out first and cuts a promo about patience and doing research and studying opponents and watching the title changes and...
  16. Steps You Might Take To Help TNA

    I suppose I should appreciate your attempt to preface your reply with a half-assed compliment. But I'm not. Your comment completely justifies my statement. His financial misgivings are the EXACT reason why you put him on a leash. On the creative side, give him the ball and let him run...
  17. Has Daniels Outgrown X-Division?

    Sometimes I wonder if you really are like ODB. Not the TNA knockout, the useless lowlife in you avatar. One sentence replies only satiate your little internet ego. The least you could do was try to insert something articulate or insightful in the thread along with your self-serving reply...
  18. Shannon Moore Trying to Get Matt Hardy to Leave WWE?

    I tried to multi-quote this gem but it's not working. Your middle paragraph is fine. Speaking in generalities is what fans do best. I've seen you make many intelligent statements throughout the boards. You chose to pick a random number and claim it as a fact. That, makes you look like a...

    Is that Monkeystyle?
  20. Has Daniels Outgrown X-Division?

    No one understands that all of this revisionist stuff isn't my point. At the time, circa, 1995, the cruiserweights were more of an attraction to warm up the crowd. We saw flashes of greatness from all of the guys now main eventing Wrestlemania but nothing to what they are now...