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  1. Chaz-1

    Early Wrestlemania Card

    I hate the idea of a inter gender match! Kevin Owens is due back by Wrestlemaina will he come back as a face and go after Lashley?
  2. Chaz-1

    Early Wrestlemania Card

    I suggested it given the rumours that this will be Kurts final match in the ring and his history when Cena was starting up. I worry with Cena going up against a realtivly newcomer in Mcintyre it will end up being another Cena squash win! See Rusev/Wyatt etc etc Is Cena a Raw superstar or could...
  3. Chaz-1

    Early Wrestlemania Card

    If Charlotte is added to the Becky/Ronda match then in my opinion that does not leave a credible challanger for Asuka. How many time has Styles faced Bryan on a big event? It feels like a few times now and WWE like to offer something fresh for Mania.
  4. Chaz-1

    Early Wrestlemania Card

    This is the interesting question with no obvious answer. Expecting a suprise at Elimination Chamber.
  5. Chaz-1

    Would You Watch AEW?

    Dave Meltzer reporting that AEW are going to compete with WWE for Brock Lesnar when his current contract expires. I just don't get why he is so highly thought he that big a draw?
  6. Chaz-1

    Early Wrestlemania Card

    As we have just kicked off down the road to Wrestlemania I would be interested what you think the card will look like? Obviously much can change before the big event! This is my too early to predict card at present Ronnie - Becky - Main Event - Womens Championship Lesnar - Rollins -...
  7. Chaz-1

    Daniel Bryans New Belt

    Love it! It fits with his character perfectly! I'm guessing we are in for a long run with Bryan as champ!
  8. Chaz-1

    Nikki Cross...Deliberately Being Held Back?

    Nikki against Asuka is a money rivalry!
  9. Chaz-1

    Womens Tag Team Titles

    No the tag team titles should be used to develop future stars!
  10. Chaz-1

    Womens Tag Team Titles

    Both Bayley and Sasha have been world champions these belts should be used to develop future world champions.
  11. Chaz-1

    The Biggest Wasted Talent

    I think they are trying to appeal to everyone....and by doing so not satisfying anyone! Most of the indie signing are for NXT which I think is the strongest brand but it is a matter of opinion. A similar crowd will watch 205 live. But both those products are on the network where you can find...
  12. Chaz-1

    Womens Tag Team Titles

    If they are cross brand then I would like to see the champions defend the belts against an NXT team at a future Takeover. Think these tag team belts could be used to help develop character and elevate those that are a level below main event performers at present. At present you have Becky...
  13. Chaz-1

    The Biggest Wasted Talent

    Given that viewership ratings have been so low recently, whoever WWE are trying to cater for at present is clearly not working! I'm not sure they know who they are catering for anymore!
  14. Chaz-1

    Fire Renee Young

    Not a fan off 3 person commentary teams.....they just end up shouting above each other. Found the Rumble commentary confusing as the commentators kept changing!
  15. Chaz-1

    The WWE title at Mania

    I was under the impression that most WWE fans watch the Takeovers, even if they don't watch the NXT product on a weekly basis?
  16. Chaz-1

    HI All

    Thanks all enjoying it here!
  17. Chaz-1

    Next Paul Heyman Guy or Girl?

    I been thinking along the same lines but pairing up Heyman with Asuka. This could help with her language barrier and she already has a reputation as a monster in the woman's division. I agree Ronda should be booked as a heel, and let her actions do the talking.
  18. Chaz-1

    Next Paul Heyman Guy or Girl?

    That is probably the case. But fantasy booking now if you could choose someone new to pair up with Heyman who would it be?
  19. Chaz-1

    Next Paul Heyman Guy or Girl?

    I hope the day is coming soon when Brock drops the belt and leaves WWE for good. I am looking forward to this moment but as a big fan of his advocate I would be interested in who people would like Heyman to align himself with next? I can see him with Velveteen Dream who is a very promising...
  20. Chaz-1

    To be the man...

    Becky is going to win at this years mania! Will they have Rollins going over as well? I hope so!