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  1. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    He said when Jericho hit him with the belt that's when he realized sports entertainers were winners
  2. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    the "showed me how to win" part wad actually pretty good tbh but I like my version better
  3. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Matt has to join the firm :bosque
  4. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    He started feeling like he should join with Bryan and crew instead of jericho but jericho knocked him silly with the ROH title and his CTE brain thought it was best he went back to Jericho
  5. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Damn these guys sprinted to the ring
  6. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Probs back to heel mostly after tho
  7. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    She's way more over, crowd gonna be cheering for her
  8. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Jade probably for this one
  9. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Oh my god jade killed that man lmao
  10. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    This security:lol
  11. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    No one listens to me when I try and get them to stop watching WWE either smh I just care about my friends enjoyment and want them to do happy things instead
  12. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Deezy only watches Dynamite anyway
  13. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    is there anyone you'll let me push out of the AEW chats ffs first Deezy now this
  14. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    shit sucks, you should play a video game or something. Coming to you as a friend
  15. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Anna winning would be dumb af but ngl I'd pop just for Anna and Nyla acting like it's a title change when Nyla stole the damn belt :lol
  16. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    more nyla on TV without doing the monster heel gimmick is best for business. She could drop Vickie tho
  17. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    Daniels 100% gonna be one, combined age pushing 4 digits in that one
  18. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    they gave enough under contract for the angle already probably tbh but like I don't want Joe losing to Jericho so just bring in Low Ki for the loss let's go
  19. Chris

    AEW Rampage October 14th, 2022: Six Man Tag Action

    God I love Shida