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  • I'm heading out for a bit, if you could do it when you get back that'd be swell.
    Be easier if you just posted the show. AK might not be on until like late tonight..
    Mike, messages aren't going through your skype... I done the entire thing, do you want you know how to show up and do anything... *wink wink nudge nudge*
    I don't want to leave but a few people are just making it too hard ya know? I wanna enjoy this, as much as you... You know I only came back cause you was headwriting which to me is the one thing I want... I've never had a chance for you to proper build my guy up and it's just eugh... People give me shit for no reason... Done nothing but help ya and people get on my case and do anything to cause problems... Sorry Mike.

    But seriously, how is your birthday going?
    You up for doing that match then bud?, just so I know whether or not I need to get someone else to do it.
    Will do with Images - Did you want my ya know how entrance and looks btw? Ummm, PM the next assigment...

    Atm I got three more pages of awards to do for RGC - So about 60... I'll be done within the next hour, I'll PM you the Promo after? So the Promo is good to stay? PM me if you want stuff added to it.
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