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  • Did you use to watch NWA-TNA during the Wednesday era?

    If not you'll like this http://www.youtube.com/user/MrTheTOKidV5e. I've seen them all years ago, but hey I figure you would like Punk from way back when I first saw him as a Raven disciple. Some damn good Truth, Hall, Hennig, Styles, Brown, AMW, and Jarrett too.

    For reference ep3 is the birth of The Truth, 14 has a good Hall showing, ep50 is the first slammiversary, 60 is the debut of 3Lk... Stings first run is in there too
    WOW CWALKER. THATS JUST FUCKING RUDE BRO. (cant help it tho I get sig/avatar a.d.d, gotta find a better one already haha)
    Nah man, I know you. You cant possibly let me down haha. Im just excited to read it. I love scott hall matches. And Im sure we will! We just have to see how things go mhm mhm
    1) Congrats on the title bro! You always do such amazing work, was a matter of time really. (sorry I could post again though so it at least would have been closer) 2- if you're taking Hall/Ryback this week Im SO stoked to read that. holy shit.
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