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  • Hey CW no worries man! I know I said yesterday, but I'm gonna try tonight for sure. I should be able to no problem
    Yes please. Reigns vs. RVD, squash match. Reigns destroys him and then continues the onslaught post-match to write Van Dam off.
    On the 13th, alright cool just post in the fantasy thread so we can transfer the team over to you.
    We need a replacement in our fantasy basketball league who will be active and knows what they're doing are you interested?
    CW, hey man, I'll try to get a TT up tonight or tomorrow afternoon. I bet would could maybe go 3-3, but I'd be content with 2-2 even though its not great. Its my fault, just been having a really off week
    Dude, thanks CW! I'm pulling for you to get those Tag belts man, so keep beastin and I know you got it no problem.
    Dude, the comment in the Impact preview thread?, was it needed?. If you have a problem with the result of your match take it up with me, I made the decision.
    I am literally crawling through the final segment - I've spoken to SBS, he's been pretty ill hense why I'm subbing in.

    I just need to piece everything together but I'm not at home tonight and I'm using mobile internet so me putting a show together will be fun or impossible :/.
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