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  • nWo is honestly what helped bring DX in and then helped bring in the Attitude Era. Hmmmm and who was the main guy for the evolving Attitude Era? Mr. Shawn Michaels to be exact. This guy talking smack about him has no clue about wrestling if he thinks HBK was average!
    I agree 100% with what you're saying. Let's looks back at 96, who was there anyways? SCSA, but he was just starting to become good, but not until later on that year after King of the Ring. Undertaker, but he wasn't as dominant yet, but good nontheless with Mankind. Triple H, but again an upcomer. Not all the blame should be on HBK for it. WCW was too hot at that time!
    around the 100 section. The place isn't big at all. I'm sitting really close for Raw next night so I didn't go all out for the PPV.
    He at the time knew that that was going to be it for him. He had to go out there perform like he always did. The thing that gets me is in 96 when he was the man in the WWF and the ratings were bad, it doesn't matter who was the guy at the top, no company or wrestler would out draw the NWO in the ratings. NWO was something special and HBK couldn't out do them by himself and he was by himself in doing so
    That's what I'm saying and it was hard to watch him in that match because you knew how much pain he was going through, but HBK as a professional made it seem like nothing was wrong and dug down deep inside him to stay focused at the task at hand. Even with the taller guys, HBK worked his tail off for example The Great Kali and made him look good
    Not sure if you've ever seen this video, but check it out, it says it all HBK Westlemania History - YouTube
    It doesn't make sense though, as an in-ring performer no one could touch him. He made everyone he fought so much better in the ring
    I just appreciate talent when I see it and I respect the guys from the past for what they did. But you got to admit, there was no justifiable reason to say HBK was a flop
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