Shouldn't even be doing a fricking reboot on TV the movies are ace. Just same old Hollyweird churning out BS for a profit well I hope it sucks as I want a Fantastic Beasts 4 movie as we've been lead to believe Dumbledore v Grindelwald deul was the greatest in Potter Folklore and all we got was 2mins of them basically knowing they still love each other which made me tear ngl. But for Dumbledore to beat him without the elderwand showed he was the the true master of the elderwand or his wand was a twin of it, so it it equalled it for power. Look at Potter Seven for instance harry beat Voldemort with a normal wand as he disarmed Draco as malfoy manner. So I'm just going off that. Guess we'll never know as it's been canned so I look on YouTube for some fanmade ones and there's not any . Some good fanfilms like Sister of the House of Black or Origins of a Heir which went on to become a channel, due the popularity of the mimi movie.
At one time He was the master of death he had all of the Deathly Hallows The Cloak of invisibility (granted he borrowed of Harry's dad) The Resurrection stone and The Elderwand. In the FB3 movie it was shown he was pure of heart when the Chillen bowed to him and there for he didn't use them to be corrupted as he nearly was so in his youth.
Why he's my favourite character in potter , man's some great wizard for sure.