It's been about 24 hours, and I'm sure most website members are already aware, but there's been a change in the website's staffing.
Joining the Supervisors alongside myself, Dale, KOC, and Chris, @Brandon Blaze has done a remarkable job as AEW moderator, and he has been rewarded for his efforts with an opportunity to help out overall on the site.
Additionally, the TNA Section now has its own dedicated moderator, please welcome @Leon TrotSky to the staff team. She has been a diligent contributor to the section that Smark felt it was time to give her a truly deserved promotion.
Give them both a round of applause!
Joining the Supervisors alongside myself, Dale, KOC, and Chris, @Brandon Blaze has done a remarkable job as AEW moderator, and he has been rewarded for his efforts with an opportunity to help out overall on the site.
Additionally, the TNA Section now has its own dedicated moderator, please welcome @Leon TrotSky to the staff team. She has been a diligent contributor to the section that Smark felt it was time to give her a truly deserved promotion.
Give them both a round of applause!