WWE: The Immortal Timeline

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What A Maneuver!
Jun 27, 2019
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Badlands Trailer Park

-MARCH 2007-

It is March of 2007. You are sitting down on your couch. You’ve been a pro wrestling fan for a while now, but over the past few years your interest has waned. Maybe you finally outgrew wrestling? You haven’t followed it in quite some time. You miss the days of Stone Cold and the Attitude Era. Every time you tried to get back into it, you just couldn’t do it. Maybe you’ve flipped through the channels and caught a segment of Raw or Smackdown…or some TNA on Spike. Nothing piques your interest anymore…

Although you think you’ve outgrown wrestling, you cannot shake that thought inside your head that Wrestlemania is coming up, and you NEVER miss Wrestlemania. Last year you bought it, watched it, and hated it! You’re not doing that again this year, are you?

Days go by and you still cannot get the thought of Wrestlemania out of your head. It’s right around the corner. You suddenly remember you just got a brand new BluRay DVD player for Christmas. Your mind isn’t on binge watching shows to catch up quite yet since that isn’t a thing in 2007, so you do the next best thing. You decide to head to your nearest Circuit City to browse the DVD section. Wrestlemania is on your mind, so your eyes instantly shift towards the wrestling section….

You pick up a stack of DVD’s and begin to rummage through. The graphics are still awesome. Vibrant colors. All your favorite names. Shawn Michaels…Undertaker…Triple H….Who’s this menacing dude with the face paint pasted in Samoan tribal tattoos? Kurt Angle…Edge…Summerslam…Survivor Series…Six Feet Deep? When did that become a PPV? The cover looks cool as hell…Armageddon…Royal Rumble…

You look through, interested enough to read the back to see the match cards, but still, you don’t feel that spark. You shrug your shoulders and put the DVD’s back. Maybe this year I just won’t watch…

You start to walk towards the exit, where an endcap with the new WRESTLEMANIA 23 logo sits and stares at you. “What is this?” you say to yourself as you look down. Wrestlemania 23 didn’t happen yet…but what is this DVD? The colors pop out at you, almost as if Wrestlemania 23 is calling your name…You pick it up and read it out loud…


Hmm, interesting. You flip it over and read the back…

“WWE Home Video presents: The Immortal Timeline! Don’t have time to watch weekly anymore? We’ve got you covered. WWE: The Immortal Timeline recaps everything that has happened since Wrestlemania 22. Join Michael Cole, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler as they take you through the month-by-month happenings in the WWE, as we embark on THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA 23! Hot storylines, big PPV matches, and everything else in between! With Wrestlemania 23 right around the corner, WWE: The Immortal Timeline will get you caught up in no time!”

“Well, that makes it easy. A monthly recap hosted by Cole, Tazz, JR, and The King. Sign me up!”

You leave the store with WWE: The Immortal Timeline in your bag, but more importantly, a renewed interest in all things WWE. Now all you have to do is go home, pop this bad boy in, fire up some pizza rolls, and catch up just in time for Wrestlemania 23!


The opening credits begin to roll as a video package recaps certain voices throughout the timeline. We are narrated by the greatest voice of all time- the guy who used to say “AND NOW…” at the beginning of every PPV…


Paved in a vengeance so cold that no mere mortal can withstand…

“You are DEAD TO ME! Do you hear me GODDAMNIT? DEAD! I’m gonna make you PAY! I’m gonna make you SUFFER! You will never…and I mean never…live this down…you son of a bitch!”

Chiseled in trials and tribulations, turns and trickery, tumultuous and turbulent times…

“I don’t know how all of you simple-minded fans and especially you, my friend, my brother…didn’t see this coming. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Did you really think that our sick and twisted history would allow us to have a long-lasting friendship?”

Intertwined with the brutally blood-stained canvas, the dark red remembrance of what turns men into immortals…

“Oh come on, we need some help out here. FOR GOD’S SAKE! Get some DAMN HELP out here! He’s bleeding like a stuck pig! DAMN HIM! DAMN THIS SON OF A BITCH! This has gone WAY too far. Somebody, anybody, please do something! HELP!”

Reaped in a respect and understanding so deep that only an immortal would dare to continue on its path…

“Love him or hate him, this young man, he is THE man right now. And he is the World Champion for a reason, and that reason is because he is on top of his game, and it doesn’t look like ANYONE can come close to taking that title off of him!”

Where Immortals shed their past and present for a future so desirable that it keeps them wanting to endure, even when they know they are at death’s doorstep…

“These past few months have been very challenging, to say the least. Everything I have endured. Everything I have put my family through. The fractured relationships, both here in the WWE and at home. When I hit rock bottom, all I could think of is lacing up these boots one more time to prove to myself that I can still do this at an extremely high level. I’m not gonna lie to you and say I am a perfect man. I am far from it. But I need everyone to understand the pressure I put on myself is far superior than anything felt before. Simply put, if I don’t win this match, the world will all have a front row seat to watch me crash and burn in spectacular fashion…”

Only has room for the chosen few, the chosen titans and eager warriors who dare to venture on it…

“Well, this is it folks. The moment you have all been waiting for. Do you feel that in the air? This is what a big match feels like. Right here, right now… Wrestlemania! Twelve long months in the making. These two have been through it all, went to hell and back! They’ve thrown everything they have at each other, and still, both are somehow standing upright. These two are the definition of immortals. However, only one will leave Wrestlemania with their immortality still intact. It all ends here, for better or for worse…”






BT Note: This is somewhat of a spinoff from my original WWE 06/07 project that you can find HERE. Basically, this DVD format will give a preview post: “THE HYPE” followed by summarized PPV results: “THE SHOW”, all narrated by the brand’s respective commentary team. Since I’ve already written Backlash in full on the other thread, Backlash will serve as a template for what to expect moving forward.

This is a fun idea I’ve thought up while toying with the other thread, so let’s see how far this one goes. My goal is to make it to Wrestlemania 23, which has been my ultimate personal goal when it comes to BTB’s. Hopefully this format makes it easy to follow for you all. So, scroll through, read results, look at the shiny graphics, but most of all, enjoy!


Non-Binary Finery
Sep 17, 2022
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Let's fucking GOOOOOOOO

Great to see you're back at it pal, gutted the WCW one wasn't continued but this is my era so I'm locking in for this. As long as Viscera gets the push he deserves we're golden
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What A Maneuver!
Jun 27, 2019
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Badlands Trailer Park

After pressing play, you kick your feet back, dig into those pizza rolls and begin your journey towards Wrestlemania 23 as the BACKLASH logo flashes across the screen…

You are at the very beginning your journey through THE IMMORTAL TIMELINE! This Chapter will cover the first Pay-Per-View following Wrestlemania 22- Backlash! The ride may seem quiet for now, but that will all change, so buckle up!

We are welcomed by the Raw commentary team of Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. The two are standing in front of a large television screen showing the Backlash logo. They are excited to get us caught up from the beginning, as the Backlash show kicked off the unofficial “New Year” of the WWE…

The following is narrated by both Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, with clips from the hype being shown throughout…



“The king grinned red as he walked from the place…”

Reigning WWE Champion John Cena may won the battle against “The King of Kings” Triple H at Wrestlemania 22, but he certainly did not win the war…at least, not quite yet. Following Wrestlemania 22, “The Game” made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t going anywhere, and was primed to take back his seat at the head of Monday Night RAW.

John Cena, known to be a fighting champion, quickly accepted Triple H’s challenge for a rematch at Backlash, and the blood feud that started before Wrestlemania 22 was far from over. A No-DQ stipulation was added to the match, making sure that the carnage would end once and for all at Backlash!

John Cena took a different approach, by saying that he respected Triple H and out of respect to the legend, he would offer him a re-match at Backlash! However, on the go-home show, Triple H took things way too far…

Following a victory over Charie Haas, WWE Champion John Cena celebrated with his coveted WWE title until Triple H ran down, sledgehammer in tow. Cena had his back facing Triple H, and that was just the window Triple H needed to begin his beatdown.

Triple H knocked Cena off the ropes, and began ramming the sledgehammer into Cena’s ribs. “The Game” then brought the onslaught to a fever pitch when HE SLAMMED THE SLEDGEHAMMER RIGHT INTO JOHN CENA’S FOREHEAD!!

Blood poured from Cena’s head as Triple H stood tall over him, reminding John Cena that he was “The King of Kings” and that John Cena was to expect a different outcome when the two squared off at Backlash!

In a WWE.com exclusive, Triple H doubled down on his beating when he didn’t mince words about John Cena…

“John Cena! Let me remind you who has the keys to this castle. I’m not looking for a charity match. You can respect me all you want, but at the end of the day, your respect for me is as empty as your head is right now after I blasted my sledgehammer into it! Tonight was just a TASTE of what you should expect to walk into Sunday night at Backlash, as I come to re-claim my throne!”

Heading into Backlash, one thing was for certain, and that was Triple H was a very dangerous man at the current moment. Between his loss on the grandest stage of them all at Wrestlemania 22 and his actions of destroying John Cena with his sledgehammer made it apparent that “The King of Kings” was primed and ready to beat John Cena at Backlash!



“A bitter place, and a broken dream…”

“The Rated R Superstar” Edge enjoyed a very hard-fought victory over Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 22. However, Edge left Wrestlemania 22 with a bitter taste in his mouth watching John Cena hoist up the WWE Championship that was around his waist just a few short months earlier.

There was no doubt in anybody’s mind that the Hardcore Match Edge endured against Mick Foley changed him forever. It had brought out a darker, extreme, and more brutally honest side of Edge. This was very apparent following Wrestlemania 22 as Edge made it crystal clear that he still had intentions on taking down John Cena and winning back the WWE Championship…

In a scathing promo, Edge proclaimed that the only thing he needed right now was a title shot. If he couldn’t get a 1 on 1 match with John Cena, then he wanted the next best thing- Rob Van Dam and his newly won Money in the Bank Briefcase!

“See, RVD, you don’t bring honor to the briefcase. You don’t bring respect to the briefcase. You don’t bring prestige to the briefcase…you bring absolutely nothing to that briefcase! You are simply a novelty act that in about three months will run its course and everybody will forget you even HAD the briefcase to begin with…You’re nothing like me…and right now, I am still THE guy on Monday Night RAW…no…I’m the best wrestler in the WWE….better yet, I’m the best wrestler in THE WORLD today! And I will do whatever it takes to regain the power I held…with MY briefcase in MY possession…”

The camera then zoomed in on “The Rated R Superstar’s” face…

“And mark my words. I’m saying this now, and I’m only saying this once. Somehow, some way, I WILL get MY briefcase back…and I WILL walk out of next year’s Wrestlemania 23 as the WWE CHAMPION!”

From there, Rob Van Dam responded by telling Edge that he had never backed down from a fight in his life, and a fight from a second-rate wannabe hardcore wrestler would certainly not turn him away. RVD was so confident in his ability to beat Edge that he even put his Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line in a match at Backlash!

Rob Van Dam was one of the hottest superstars in the WWE during April of 2006, and the confidence he brought with him was sky high. But, was RVD possibly a bit over-zealous in putting his freshly won Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line just weeks after winning it? Edge had proven that he had what it took to carry the WWE, and whether you loved him or hated him, he had proven that he can be THE guy once the bell rings.



“You’re gonna wish that GOD was your tag team partner!”

“The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels and the owner of the WWE, Vince McMahon went to WAR at Wrestlemania 22, with Michaels outlasting not only Vince, but also all five members of The Spirit Squad, and Shane McMahon. However, HBK may have won the battle, but the war waged by the billionaire Vince McMahon still brewed on. Vince McMahon had made it abundantly clear numerous times that he wanted to destroy Shawn Michaels once and for all, put him on the shelf indefinitely and end his WWE career. However, Shawn Michaels had proven time and time again during his war with Vince McMahon that he was still in peak shape, at the top of his game, and not going anywhere any time soon.

HBK, starting to show his playful D-Generation X side a little more with each passing week on RAW, continued having fun at Vince and Shane’s expense. Vince responded by sticking The Sprit Squad on Shawn at every possible chance he could get. The games continued until finally McMahon took things a step further when he decided to make a match for Backlash- A 2 on 1 Handicap Match pitting Vince and his son Shane up against Shawn Michaels!

“Shawn Michaels, we’re gonna stack the odds against you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine! Come Backlash, you’re gonna wish that GOD was your tag team partner, because you’re gonna need all the prayers in the world to make it out of Backlash on your own two feet!”

Shawn Michaels found himself in familiar territory heading into Backlash. Seven men gunning for his head simultaneously, while somehow figuring out a way to stave them all off. Could Shawn Michaels walk out of Backlash with another win over The Chairman? Or would the power of Vince, Shane AND The Spirit Squad be too much for HBK to overcome?



“Going for it all, I’m just trying to be the best!”

Reigning Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin defeated “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair back in February to regain the Intercontinental title. Following an unsuccessful run for both men in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 22, they were back entangled in a feud over Benjamin’s title.

Shelton Benjamin had turned over a new leaf since Wrestlemania 22, ditching his mama in the process. Shelton was keen on proving to the world that he doesn’t need his mother to help him win matches, and was looking to take the Intercontinental title to new heights, and ultimately parlay the reign into an eventual WWE Championship opportunity.

Ric Flair, still kicking as well as ever, had his sights set on taking back the title he lost to Shelton Benjamin, and even tried to persuade Shelton on an episode of Monday Night RAW.

With both men inside the ring, Shelton Benjamin put over Ric Flair and even said that Flair was hands down the best wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots. Flair thanked Shelton for the compliment…

“Shelton, look here, pal. I’ve been in the ring with EVERYBODY…and nobody has the gift you have. You are a future WORLD CHAMPION! Your ascent to the top of the WWE should begin now. Not me. No, see, I’m an old dog, Shelton. I don’t have many years left inside this ring. You’re the next big thing! So, why don’t you let me get one more spin with that Intercontinental title while you climb up to your rightful spot at the top of the WWE?”

Shelton Benjamin nodded his head before responding…

“You’re right, Ric. I do have a gift. But, it isn’t quite my time right now to chase after the WWE Championship. That time will come, but not right now. No, right now I’m focused on restoring this title back to the way it once was, because from September to February it was nothing more than a PROP and a JOKE!”

Shelton’s fighting words quickly flipped the script from an exchange of pleasantries to a vicious verbal beating. From there, the match was officially signed-Shelton Benjamin putting his Intercontinental Championship on the line against Ric Flair at Backlash! Ric Flair was out to prove that his reign as IC Champion wasn’t a fluke, rather Shelton’s win over Flair was, in fact, a fluke!



“The Tag Team Division comes to a boiling point!”

Kane and The Big Show had reigned supreme in the Tag Team division since winning the titles back in November of 2005. Since then, they had been the gold standard in the division, picking up impressive wins over the likes of Batista and Rey Mysterio, and more recently Carlito and Chris Masters at Wrestlemania 22.

Following their victory over Carlito and Chris Masters, which featured miscommunication between the two, it seemed as if the honeymoon phase of Carlito and Masters’ team was now over. The duo argued all the way to the back, and the future looked bleak for the pairing.

Instead of turning their backs on each other, Carlito and Chris Masters decided to start fresh. They teased a break up on RAW, but only to drag Kane and The Big Show into their trap. After it was evident that the duo planned the fake break up all along, they issued a challenge to Kane and The Big Show for a rematch at Backlash.

Carlito and Chris Masters were firing on all cylinders leading up to Backlash, until a real miscommunication in a Tag match on RAW which saw Carlito drill Masters with an errant elbow off the apron and into the barricade cast a shadow of doubt over their team. Masters, lip busted open from the elbow, stormed to the back, leaving Carlito to fend for himself.

So, the question still remained the same for Backlash- was there really trouble brewing in paradise between Carlito and Chris Masters? Or was their latest theatrics just that- theatrics?

Kane and The Big Show also had their own fair share of issue heading into Backlash. Some may say it was just two veterans working out their problems, while others knew it was Vince McMahon looking to drive a wedge in between the two so that he could recruit The Big Show to be his muscle.

On an episode of RAW, Vince cornered The Big Show right after a hard fought title defense. McMahon made it perfectly clear that he needed backup when it came to Shawn Michaels, and there wasn’t anybody better than The Big Show to fill that spot. Big Show told him to hit the road, but Vince was persistent, continually recruiting Big Show openly. Kane took exception to this when Big Show said he was pondering the decision.

Things came to a head on the following edition of RAW when the Tag Team Champions needed to be pulled apart backstage. Kane and Big Show began with a shouting match, which quickly turned into an all out brawl. Following the brawl, which neither man got the better of, the two reconciled and vowed to not let McMahon get in the middle of their title reign.

Two teams, each with their own set of personal problems were set to square off at Backlash, and the burning question that was being asked was quite simple- Were both sides playing their hand close to the vest in order to come out victorious at Backlash?



“Love and Lust!”

Mickie James shocked the world when she beat Trish Stratus at Wrestlemania 22 to win the Women’s title. Mickie, who has openly stalked Trish for months, finally got what she wanted...or did she? Mickie didn’t seem content with just the Women’s title, because it was clearly evident that she would still rather have Trish Stratus instead.

Things boiled over backstage on the April 17 edition of Monday Night RAW! Trish, realizing Mickie’s desire for her was still as strong as ever, decided to play into Mickie James and invited her to join her in the shower. Mickie quickly jumped at the chance, but Trish was waiting, fully clothed, and the two brawled in the shower. Trish then invoked her rematch clause-giving her another shot at Mickie and the chance to regain the Women’s title at Backlash!



“Umaga unleashed!”

“The Samoan Bulldozer” Umaga crashed on the scene the night after Wrestlemania 22, and quickly turned heads. The 350 pound beast, led to the ring by his manager- Armando Alejandro Estrada, would quickly shoot up the rankings on RAW in short order.

Two other monsters on the RAW roster didn’t like the spotlight being put on Umaga- Snitsky and his pal Heidenreich. The two attempted to jump Umaga on RAW, but quickly found out why this man was the real deal.

Snitsky would get his chance to knock Umaga back down the ladder, as the stipulation was if Umaga could get past Snitsky at Backlash, he would immediately face Heidenreich. A Handicap match of sorts, with the caveat being that Heidenreich must stay backstage.

Would Umaga continue his rampage through the RAW roster and take out two of the biggest men in the WWE? Or would Snitsky show why he and Heidenreich were still the top two monsters on RAW?


We head back to the studio where JR and King are waiting for us. They wrap up The Backlash hype before telling us to continue by pressing play on our remote for the Backlash results. For now, you are fighting sleep, so you hit pause as you digest the Backlash hype-knowing full well that tomorrow night it will be more pizza rolls while you dig into the Backlash results!


Backlash Card

April 30, 2006

WWE Championship- No Holds Barred Match
John Cena vs. Triple H

RVD’s MITB Briefcase on the Line
Rob Van Dam vs. Edge w/Lita

2-on-1 Handicap Match
Vince & Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair

RAW Tag Team Championship
& The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters

Women’s Championship
Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

Gauntlet Match
Umaga vs. Heidenreich & Snitsky

BT Note: Really just spruced up the original Road To, put it in past tense and cleaned it up a bit. This bit will serve as the template as to what to expect from “The Hype” as we get deep into this project. Predictions if you’d like, even though the show results are already out there. Backlash results will be up sometime during the week. Enjoy!


Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Looking forward to this you always been one of my favs to read.
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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Backlash Card

April 30, 2006

WWE Championship- No Holds Barred Match
John Cena vs. Triple H

RVD’s MITB Briefcase on the Line
Rob Van Dam vs. Edge w/Lita

2-on-1 Handicap Match
Vince & Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair

RAW Tag Team Championship
& The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters

Women’s Championship
Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

Gauntlet Match
Umaga vs. Heidenreich & Snitsky
Gimme Umaga in the Gauntlet match.
Mickie in the Women's Title match
Kane and Big Show
Vince and Shane
Last edited:
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7 x Piston Cup Winner
Jan 22, 2023
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I have always been a fan of your writing style and have enjoyed several of your threads. Your ability to recap things and keep them detailed enough to create interest is top-tier. This already has a unique spin with how it's being presented so I look forward to seeing what little tidbits can be thrown in.

This is a fantastic period to play with and always one that has been a strong area for projects throughout the years. So much talent on the roster and it's a period where you can realistically bring in younger talent as well if you want to beef up the roster even more.

I haven't clicked the link to the old thread (also a fan of rebooting old work with a fresh coat of paint), so I will throw out some predictions - even if the results are technically a click away.

WWE Championship- No Holds Barred Match
©John Cena vs. Triple H

I can't see the belt coming off Cena so quickly into the thread. Triple H is a great main event heel but carrying the title at this point, I don't think will happen. The world is open with more options for feuds with Cena walking out as champ in the early months of his second reign.

RVD’s MITB Briefcase on the Line
Rob Van Dam vs. Edge w/Lita

Absolutely kills RVD to have him drop the MITB. I don't think that'll happen here. Keep it on him and give him a big win over Edge as you can begin to craft the rise of Van Dam into a main event star. He does need work around this time.

2-on-1 Handicap Match
Vince & Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

Let Shawn get the win so you can move off this if you want. I'd be surprised with a McMahon win only because it means you'd have to extend this angle further into the next PPV featuring Raw for some sort of closure.

Intercontinental Championship
©Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair

Not opposed to a Flair win actually and could see it happening just to give him something to do. Benjamin can be very bland in these things but I think he keeps the title here just to build around youth, and Flair doesn't need the win or the belt overall.

RAW Tag Team Championship
©Kane & The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters

Much like the above, I think build on some youth and give the heels the belts. I know IRL the champs lost them somewhere around this time so it wouldn't shock me for a bit of a youth movement here with the heels going up.

Women’s Championship
©Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

Too early for a title change here with Mickie after the big Mania win.

Gauntlet Match
Umaga vs. Heidenreich & Snitsky

Looks like a match to setup two dudes getting beat by Umaga. Interested to see how his run is handled over the next few months and where you go with Umaga in the thread. I could see this being a Flair winning the IC belt and then Umaga destroys him in a few month's situation as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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I won't do full predictions or anything here for obvious reasons, but wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm reading. Not a huge amount to comment on with Trips/Cena, McMahon's/HBK taking pretty standard paths forward from Mania.

I like the Edge/RVD match up, however I'm not really a fan of the MITB briefcase being defended like any other title so quickly after it being won. The briefcase doesn't need to be defended, so would have preferred some form of long running personal issue to the point where RVD feels like he HAS to defend the briefcase. I'm sure the match will be a banger though and Edge's motivations of wanting to relive last year and regain the title make perfect sense.

My favourite thing here is probably giving Shelton/Flair match. Definitely feels unfinished so the build on this, and Flair putting over Shelton so hard as a future champ all works well for me.

I appreciated the slight change up and trap, with 'Lito/Masters staying together, and I marked for the shower brawls.

Only other point of criticism would be that I'm not a fan of two Handicap matches on the one show, even if the Umaga one will/should be a squash.

Looking forward to seeing Backlash... Again. And just a general PUMPED to have you back booking again. Can't wait until you sink your teeth into this and generate your own ideas. This will be right at the top of the section in no time.
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