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  • Reby Hardy just napalmed the Impact twitter. Shoot week is back
    Any Impact rage post from here on out should end with "and fuck that owl"
    Hojo's coming in. Finally Asuka can be moved up
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    Reactions: Red Rain
    Red Rain
    Red Rain
    Smackdown women's division doesn't need the help. Asuka is needed on RAW tho that show perpetually paints themselves into corners.
    What sane person is offering Marty Jannetty money to do porn!?
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    Reactions: Grievous 3D
    Grievous 3D
    Grievous 3D
    That wasn't me Geek772...I made the suggestion to Dana Brooke & Eva Marie...it was going to be called "Erotic Botch-fest Vol.1" but neither of them got back to me...

    Jakey-Jake wanted to see some hot "Rocker on Rocker" Action...lol
    The WON awards results were....interesting
    So after a quick Google, the listings that are already up aren't enough of a list? Hmm
    Jack Swagger revealed on Sonnen's podcast that he has been released by WWE.
    Yeah I hope he heads to Japan, he'd be great with his style i think.
    They're really stretching how to make someone a babyface on smackdown now huh?
    Well to be honest we don't know if they'll go with Randy as the face or not.
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