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  • If Shlak isn't pulled from TOD I hope whoever he is booked against takes liberties. Get nazis out of wrestling
    Jeffry Mason
    Jeffry Mason
    As for the liberties thing...first round he's got Masada, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. Second round is always a possibility though
    Mauler just knocked Glover the fuck out and proceeded to propose to his girlfriend mid octagon. That's hard to top
    Jeffry Mason
    Jeffry Mason
    Proposing to an opponent's girlfriend mid octagon after knocking him out. That's how you top it
    Donald Duck recognized as an actual military officer and Homer Simpson in the baseball hall of fame... America is a silly place
    • Like
    Reactions: Snowman1
    Yeah, next thing you know a Celebrity former Reality host is President, ha ha ha....ha....ha... *cries*
    They are legit calling the women's tournament the Mae Young Classic.... I get why but that is not a catchy name
    TBF based on that it shouldn't be named after Mae either since she was at best complicit to most of Moolah's "antics". But she practically raised Vince like a second mom so she's obviously viewed like family.
    Auld Regal is having a jolly old blast in Japan it seems.
    He was in Japan for 2 straight weeks and basically went to any korakuen show that went on. So puro twitter got real scared
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