Recent content by Soul_of_Ruby

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  1. Who Is the Most Overrated Wrestler in the WWE

    Every match I listed was great. o_O Edge-619 from RR was great simply because Rey was injured and they were able to put on that performance.
  2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie 2012

    Broken City - Audioslave
  3. Who Is the Most Overrated Wrestler in the WWE

    You can't think of one good great Edge match? Seriously? Armaggedon 2007 Edge vs Undertaker vs Batista Royal Rumble 2008 Edge vs Rey Mysterio No Way Out 2008 Edge vs Rey Mysterio One Night Stand 2008 Edge vs Undertaker Great American Bash 2008 Edge vs Triple H Summerslam...
  4. Try Elevation X Again?

    Terrordome sucked? Which one aside from the Jan 4. one? o_O
  5. Has Daniels Outgrown X-Division?

    Apparently he's outgrown TNA in general. xD
  6. Who's got Joe?

    Joe showed up again? What's this I hear about him cutting a promo where he was getting fucked up the ass? o_O
  7. Christopher Daniels

    Just wtf is so great about Erick Stevens? He's one of my top 5 most hated wrestlers. I've always hated that he wrestles like a big man yet he's tiny. Ffs, he's smaller then Aries! His mic skills are nothing spectacular. So will someone please explain to me why everyone loves this guy so much?
  8. WTF OJ!?

    Double posted for emphasis, lol.^ This is a bit much. It's just... Ew.
  9. If You Go to the Gym...

    I think they're just talking about when people slam the weights on the floor and startle everyone. Yeah, I can't stand that either.
  10. Could Randy Orton Retire Early?

    Lmao^ I see him retiring early.
  11. Riddle Me This...

    Taker/Cena would have been epic this year after the Tombstone in Madison Square Garden.
  12. The Age Range a Wrestler is in Their Prime

    Don't ever call Undertaker that again. I think a wrestler is in their prime in the 30-40 range. There are the rare few that get better after their prime such as HBK and Undertaker.
  13. Did Samoa Joe Evaporate?

    Anyone else miss his old attire? The one where he'd have black on one side and red, blue, baby blue, white, orange, or brown on the other? That was perfect for him, imo.
  14. Fallout Boy Finished.

    You're the first to think it was bad from what I've seen. xD
  15. Last Movie you Watched?

    The Butterfly Effect. Love that movie.