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  • Get back to me tommorow at this point my team sucks so bad that I really don't care might as well trade everyone.
    I'll just do the 2 for 1 then having a empty spot won't kill me.
    Actually nvm will just do the 2 for 1 unless Hill is the guy u were gonna drop.
    Well add whoever you would drop as the 2nd piece then minus "mini mamba"
    I know wasn't talking about tomorrow talking about for Monday since they do play Monday.
    Hill is more so the fact that I used up all my adds for the week wanting to add him to fill it out so I won't have a empty spot until Monday.
    Nick, Dudley, Hayward are guards I'd put in a deal for him. Can attach K-Mart in the deal depending.
    He rather win a championship with me :p would have been more open to dealing him to you if you still had Love which I would have got in on that if I knew IYF's deal is what I had to compete with.
    Looking to get a center without giving up one let alone my best one that I'm not looking to move.
    This is the first time I've been on this site since like 1 am man. I ain't ignoring nobody. No on that trade. Noah is gonna stay put for awhile.
    IDRC about Wall, but I've always loved Iggy, and the fact that I've been playing an association w/ Philly in 2K, that's just made me want to have him even more.
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