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Ricky Smarks
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  • Hey, is that Mary Elizabeth Winstead in your avatar?

    She's my wife, darnit. :p
    Yeah, i never knew The Big Bossman, Test, Bam Bam Bigelow, Killer Kewalski, or Chris Kanyon died... I feel like an idiot just knowing some died over 4 years ago.... smh..
    ok... im still learning this forum a bit... But I didnt wake up this morning and thought to myself, I'll make a banner for those who have died today! lol...

    I sat down and watched ALOT of videos and found out about a lot of people that I didnt even know died truthfully, so i said what the hell, i know everyone would appreciate it.
    If I can convince one guy to come back to forums it would be another good poster here, I'll talk to him tomorrow if I can get the chance.
    :laugh: Well I finally was able to catch a lot of people online and hell one just happen to see the wall post to another so very glad things worked out for me.
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