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Jeffry Mason
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  • Stuck helping with my sister's baby shower...If I give my address out, will one of you please come and either kidnap or kill me?
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    Reactions: Nikki Nitro
    Red Rain
    Red Rain
    Not quite, junior. Me pretending to be a chick doesn't work. I stand proudly when I p*ss and I have perfect abs. You, on the other hand, cry during weddings and are a fanboy for Daniel Bryan. That means you pretty much demanded to have your p*nis removed.
    Look what you made me do...
    Red Rain
    Red Rain
    Would you like a Kleenex, snowflake? And after you're done rubbing one out, would you like a Kleenex, snowflake?
    If I'm not immortal after all, I fear the day my life starts getting REALLY good, cuz it wont be long after that I'll be dead. Ironic karma?
    There's no wrestling to watch today, and I'm not going to work. Have no idea what to do with my Saturday now, this almost never happens :/
    Jeffry Mason
    Jeffry Mason
    Wrestling, not sports entertainment lite. And I meant to go to see live. I'm broke and I couldn't find a show within 4 hours of me actually worth going to anyway (especially not NXT)
    Who's good with computers?
    Jeffry Mason
    Jeffry Mason
    Oh no, this is definitely an actual issue and I was well aware of it before the message started popping up lol. Maybe my dumbass should turn it off every once in a while, but it's more convenient to just leave it on all the time instead of waiting for it to startup.
    ....Are U invovled in some type of Wrestling, Jeffry?
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    Jeffry Mason
    Jeffry Mason
    Shhhhhhh. Who said you could come out of the cellar and get online? I need to stop using generic brand duct tape and start using actual shackles for my hostages, errrrr I MEAN TRAINEES
    Bye Adam Cole. I won't miss you. Actually, I'll hate you more when you get booked better than Lio and Dijak, who both deserve it WAYYYY more
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