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  • Mullens just got hurt and will be out for a couple weeks, plus he shoots below 40% so I'm no longer interested in him. But I'm still interested in Thad Young.
    Not really looking to move him unless the offer is really good. You can make an offer tho.
    Argh. Z-Bo is my boy and he belongs with Kobe and MWP, they told me so. Al Jefferson?
    I don't really see how Z-Bo is better than Horford. They're equal, if anything.

    Z-Bo gets 2 more rebounds, but that's really it. Scoring is more/less a wash, as are steals, Horford gets 2 more assists, more blocks, fewer TOs, better FG%. Horford's FT% is low currently, but it'll get back to its career norm of around 75%.

    The only reason I'd do this is because I need a little bit more rebounding.
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