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  • Creed 2 is the ultimate revenge match as Adonis fights Ivan Drago's son Victor. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
    Amazone Fire phone sucks!
    Nikki Nitro
    Nikki Nitro
    I've got a Verizon Galaxy J7 V. Works pretty well. Can be slow sometimes, internet wise. I hv dropped it in water and My cereal once (not sure how that happened lol). I had to take it apart pull out the battery and soaked it in a bowl of Dry Rice
    Sister has moved in with her roommates and won't be coming back. Greatest Christmas Present Ever.
    Never do business with Wyndham. Shit customer service and No explanation of the charges!
    Cutting cactus, even dead cactus, can still prick one's hands. Ouch!
    Nikki Nitro
    Nikki Nitro
    *Grabs a bandaid and hands it to Geese* Here ya go! :)
    Chloe and Beck Zak ain't funny! There I said it.
    They're comic sisters taking off on youtube and instagram.
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