Could we be in for the swerve of all swerves??

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Feb 19, 2012
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Let's, if we can, suspend disbelief for a moment and look at the possibility of CM Punk ending the streak this Sunday at Wrestlemania.... Before I go any further, I fully do NOT think it will happen, but I thought it would be interesting to discuss without going into our usual "Punk's a jobber vanilla midget" vs. "Punk's the greatest of all time" crap that we always seem to get to rather quickly...... so with that out of the way, here we go..

I don't think anyone can argue that at this point The Undertaker calls his own shots. He at least approves of if not hand picks his Mania opponents and I would also venture to guess that he has majority of the creative control over those matches as well.... So at the very least he approved to facing Punk and had some sort of hand in the direction of the build of this feud.... The build, while completely tasteless in my opinion, has painted Punk as the dirtiest of dirty players currently on the roster and whether the Punk haters admit it or not, the front office has made him their top HEEL. Taker is a very "old school" guy when it comes to the business part of being a pro wrestler, meaning he does things the way they were done when he was breaking in. The "passing of the torch" or "giving the rub" has been a very important part of the business forever. Now, I don't know how Taker feels about Punk, but what if he sees Punk as someone he'd like to "pass the torch" to, what if they are buds behind the curtain, what if Taker didn't really want to work Mania this year but Vince convinced him that putting Punk over would be best for business, What if Taker can't stand Cena and is putting someone else over to spite him.... Obviously Cena is the guy that would make the most sense to get said rub, but what if Taker has decided that this is his last hoorah and with Cena being tied up with The Rock he chose Punk as the guy he'd most like to do the job for, and could there be any better way for the brass to uber push Punk to top HEEL status..... Again, I agree that it more than most likely won't happen but in the back of my head there is still that .000000000001% that thinks What if?

Embrace Thou Maryse

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Honestly it'd be a waste. Punk doesn't have that indefinable characteristic to make him a true superstar. His year long reign, Paul Heyman, Paul Bearer and he's still just some guy on the roster.


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For sure the streak needs to end at some point. I just don't think that it will do as much for Punk as you might think.

Punk is a guy who is now firmly established in the main event scene. He held the title for 400 some odd days in the ADD era where if there isn't some kind of title change every couple of months, dude is stale and needs to die in a fire. That in and of itself is the kind of unique achievement that sets Punk in that elite rank above almost everyone else. At this point, ending the streak would be just the cherry on top of an already delicious sundae.

Same with Cena. Cena gets nothing out of beating the streak except for more resentment. There is an exception to that though. If the lead up to the match involved a John Cena heel turn (which would be easily as significant as Hogan turning heel) then beating the Undertaker would be the kind of thing you could do to ensure that no little bastards are going to cheer for him regardless. And it would make sense.

This is my idea though:

Let the streak end next year. Start building towards it immediately after WM.

Have Undertaker beat Punk, come out on Raw the next night and maybe sort of hint at riding off into the sunset. Let someone (at that point it could be almost anyone) come out, interrupt him and tell him that he is going to break the streak at next WM if Undertaker isn't too cowardly to face him. Don't have him actually ask for the match, have him promise to go on such a tear through the WWE over the next year that there is no possible way that Undertaker could avoid him.

And then do it.

Let him get involved in other angles obviously, but always make sure that he never lets the people forget that regardless of what he achieves that year, the Undertaker is the end goal whether anyone likes it or not.

Cue up the Road to WrestleMania after the Rumble next year, start the feud and then break the streak.

That's how I think it should go down at least.
Sep 27, 2011
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HBK I think had a better chance than CM Punk does now, but most of all Randy Orton had the best shot out of all of them. As much as I like CM Punk, I don't think he's the guy to end it. I will stick to my theory that if it should end then Cena or some fast rising star to better their careers. I will give it a .1% chance Punk ends it, but it's the WWE anything is possible.


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Feb 19, 2012
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HBK I think had a better chance than CM Punk does now, but most of all Randy Orton had the best shot out of all of them. As much as I like CM Punk, I don't think he's the guy to end it. I will stick to my theory that if it should end then Cena or some fast rising star to better their careers. I will give it a .1% chance Punk ends it, but it's the WWE anything is possible.

This is basically where I was coming from, I should have added that I don't think Punk deserves to be the one to end the streak either.... I guess my main point is that WWE has put a TON of time and work into Punk's build and maybe this is their payoff..... This WM seems so lackluster on paper that I think they almost have to pull out some shocking twists and turns (and an Orton heel turn isn't nearly enough)


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Honestly it'd be a waste. Punk doesn't have that indefinable characteristic to make him a true superstar. His year long reign, Paul Heyman, Paul Bearer and he's still just some guy on the roster.
I respect everyone's opinion and really wanted to let this go so I don't risk this topic going off topic but of all the things you could say about Punk saying he doesn't have definable characteristics just doesn't make sense whether you like him or not. He's one of the handful of guys on the roster who pretty much always has. Him being the exact opposite of the prototypical face of the company in John Cena is one of his definable characteristic.

Anyways I'll be very surprised if this thread doesn't turn out how usually all Punk related threads turn on out but hopefully it doesn't. Obviously would be huge for Punk's resume if he pulled it off esp considering the opponents Taker has beaten in the streak. Would also be big if for example he was the man who beat Taker at mania and carried that into future mania's and could use it to put over someone who needed it. So would it could do some long term good. I personally think at this point there is more value in having someone break his streak esp since they have milked this streak all they could to solidify Taker's legacy but of course realistically I don't for one second think it will get broken.


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I personally think at this point there is more value in having someone break his streak esp since they have milked this streak all they could to solidify Taker's legacy but of course realistically I don't for one second think it will get broken.

Maybe I'm just being a sunny optimist but I have to disagree with you on this. The Undertaker by all accounts is a very old school guy. He knows that you always use the current hottest thing to catapult the next hottest thing.

I guess I also don't think that the Undertaker is such a mark for himself that he's actually bought into the idea of a streak in a fake sport as being anything more than just a story that needs an end.


Cry About It
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There's just no sense in breaking the streak now, let alone Punk doing it as the guys resume is already stacked and as great as it would be for his legacy to break the streak, I just don't see no money in doing it.

Over the last few years, Undertaker without his streak would have meant absolutely nothing. His body just can't commit to a full or even part time schedule anymore so they need to keep the streak intact so they can squeeze the last bit of juice out of his body. Why would you want to sacrifice Taker/Cena Taker/Brock Taker/Rock which are all huge money Mania matches to just to give a guy yet another accolade?


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There are only 2 people worthy of ending the streak, and punk ain't even close.

1. Kane - if they choose to retire together and to close the bid story

2. Cena - he's everything Punk isn't, a true star, a pillar of the company, not one to do stupid shit that sheds a bad light on the company for the sake of a pipe bomb or because some fan gets to him, and he isn't the type to use a contract to just get a reign.


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Feb 19, 2012
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There's just no sense in breaking the streak now, let alone Punk doing it as the guys resume is already stacked and as great as it would be for his legacy to break the streak, I just don't see no money in doing it.

Over the last few years, Undertaker without his streak would have meant absolutely nothing. His body just can't commit to a full or even part time schedule anymore so they need to keep the streak intact so they can squeeze the last bit of juice out of his body. Why would you want to sacrifice Taker/Cena Taker/Brock Taker/Rock which are all huge money Mania matches to just to give a guy yet another accolade?

I would tend to agree with this... however, if Taker does have complete control, then he doesn't and shouldn't really care if there is money in doing it or not... Guys of his stature typically get to choose who they want to have their last match with or who they'd like to rub... In HBK's case he wanted to retire with Taker at WM as he'd already spent the last few years putting guys over, Flair wanted to put HBK over (even though he certainly didn't need it)...... Is it so absurd that Taker might look at Punk as a guy who needs this to take him from star to superstar and as a guy who will do the same for another wrestler when his time comes.... i'm really just trying to play devil's advocate here as I don't agree with most of what I'm saying but we don't know what's going on in those board rooms and behind those curtains

John McHenry

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I could honestly see it happening with some of the shit they've been pulling. But I won't approve of it.

Embrace Thou Maryse

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I respect everyone's opinion and really wanted to let this go so I don't risk this topic going off topic but of all the things you could say about Punk saying he doesn't have definable characteristics just doesn't make sense whether you like him or not. He's one of the handful of guys on the roster who pretty much always has. Him being the exact opposite of the prototypical face of the company in John Cena is one of his definable characteristic.

Anyways I'll be very surprised if this thread doesn't turn out how usually all Punk related threads turn on out but hopefully it doesn't. Obviously would be huge for Punk's resume if he pulled it off esp considering the opponents Taker has beaten in the streak. Would also be big if for example he was the man who beat Taker at mania and carried that into future mania's and could use it to put over someone who needed it. So would it could do some long term good. I personally think at this point there is more value in having someone break his streak esp since they have milked this streak all they could to solidify Taker's legacy but of course realistically I don't for one second think it will get broken.

I'm talking about that quality that Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena had/have, that undefinable ability or characteristic that makes them a star. You cant just push anyone and have them become the next Cena (see Drew McIntyre). They have to have that 'it' factor that makes people care, Punk was Champ for a year but people cared more about Paul Heyman.

Punks a Jericho level talent, he'll have great promos, great matches, big moments but will never be on the level of Cena.


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Over the last few years, Undertaker without his streak would have meant absolutely nothing. His body just can't commit to a full or even part time schedule anymore so they need to keep the streak intact so they can squeeze the last bit of juice out of his body. Why would you want to sacrifice Taker/Cena Taker/Brock Taker/Rock which are all huge money Mania matches to just to give a guy yet another accolade?

These matches still have a tremendous amount of value due to the names on the marquee.

Every angle in wrestling has been used to build someone up. Undertaker has amassed a 20-0 streak. With an over 20 year build to not break the streak would be one of the biggest wastes in pro wrestling history.

I think that it bears repeating that wrestling is a fake sport. The Undertaker's legacy will not be judged on him losing one match. As a matter of fact, I'd say that him losing will do far more for his meta legacy than keeping the streak in tact will.

There are only 2 people worthy of ending the streak, and punk ain't even close.

1. Kane - if they choose to retire together and to close the bid story

2. Cena - he's everything Punk isn't, a true star, a pillar of the company, not one to do stupid shit that sheds a bad light on the company for the sake of a pipe bomb or because some fan gets to him, and he isn't the type to use a contract to just get a reign.

I disagree on Kane. If Kane himself wasn't so old I'd be all for it but he's out the door himself relatively soon and he won't be able to maximize the gains that would come from doing that like a younger star would.

As it is, this is pro wrestling. A year can make a lot of difference in a career when booked properly. I'm not advocating just spit balling but guys like Ziggler, Bryan, Ryback, Barrett etc. could easily be built up as a believable threat in a year and would not only gain a lot more, but also have a lot more time to make the most out of the achievement.

My $0.02


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I would tend to agree with this... however, if Taker does have complete control, then he doesn't and shouldn't really care if there is money in doing it or not... Guys of his stature typically get to choose who they want to have their last match with or who they'd like to rub... In HBK's case he wanted to retire with Taker at WM as he'd already spent the last few years putting guys over, Flair wanted to put HBK over (even though he certainly didn't need it)...... Is it so absurd that Taker might look at Punk as a guy who needs this to take him from star to superstar and as a guy who will do the same for another wrestler when his time comes.... i'm really just trying to play devil's advocate here as I don't agree with most of what I'm saying but we don't know what's going on in those board rooms and behind those curtains
Yes it's absurd that the guy who spent 20 plus years being a draw and loyal company man would let Punk, the guy who leveraged his contract to force his way up the card and into the title spotlight, over Cena who has been on the grind for the company since day one and loves wwe much more and is more likely to stick around the length of time that he, Trips, HBk, Kane, and the like have thus making the loss worth something than trusting a flake. Hell its absurd to think Kane wouldn't get a third try and he be ok with him retiring him like he retired michaels and michaels, flair long before Punk ended it
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We Are Legion

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You look at this thing from a true business perspective...

The WWE put the championship on Punk for over a year. A YEAR for God's sake in this era. And not only did absolutely nothing happen profit-wise for WWE as a result of that reign, but ratings actually decreased and he didn't attract a single mainstream viewer. It's not a knock, not a poke at his talent or ability, just stating things from a bottom line perspective. Even Punk fans can agree on this, yes?

That being said, are you as the WWE owner going to burn the Undertaker's streak on this guy? And this isn't a year-long title reign we're talking about here, this is the fucking STREAK. 20-0. You only get ONE shot at this. Vince will never have that opportunity again in his lifetime. You may even have some 5-year streaks from copycats or even a 10-year one while Vince's on a dialysis machine brooding up his last great ~SWERVE~ before he dies. But you'll never get 20-0 again.

So you look at what Punk has done, how he's paid off (even considering the creative input Punk himself has had), and finally the fact Punk has already stated he won't still be wrestling in 5 years... this is who you give that rub-of-all-rubs to?


Fuck no.

I would be both shocked and pissed beyond belief if Punk ended the streak, particularly considering the current story line leading into this match that just crosses so many boundaries of taste and appropriateness that it would just be sickening if he won despite how much of a waste it would be. I'm sorry Punk fans, but that should definitely not happen.
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