
Over the last few weeks, we have seen significant progress on WWE television, from a storyline perspective and a character development perspective. Whether intentional or not, the WWE has started to move away from it's PG programming. Recently, we have seen;
Orton taking on the persona of a mentally deranged psychopath.
Orton RKOing a defenseless women.
Cena cutting promo's not aimed at children.
Triple H attempting to hunt down and kill the three men who have fucked with his family.
Numerous storyline twists and turns.
Last night in particular, I felt as though I was watching a show from 1997-2000, and not one from the 2005-2008 era we have all become accustomed to.
My questions to you, do you believe this is a long term change in direction? Has the WWE decided to scrap its initial feelings on going to a more family friendly product? Is this just a temporary solution to increase ratings and buyrates leading up to Wrestlemania? In 10 years, will we look upon Orton RKOing Stephanie in the same light as we look at Austin/Hart or the Austin 3:16 speech?
I firmly believe that the occurrences of the last two weeks is exactly what is needed to get more people back into wrestling. Hopefully, the progress is reflected on the bottomline in terms of buyrates and ratings so the WWE will continue to give us what we have been craving. I can honestly say, I haven't been this excited to see what will happen next for at least 4 or 5 years.
Orton taking on the persona of a mentally deranged psychopath.
Orton RKOing a defenseless women.
Cena cutting promo's not aimed at children.
Triple H attempting to hunt down and kill the three men who have fucked with his family.
Numerous storyline twists and turns.
Last night in particular, I felt as though I was watching a show from 1997-2000, and not one from the 2005-2008 era we have all become accustomed to.
My questions to you, do you believe this is a long term change in direction? Has the WWE decided to scrap its initial feelings on going to a more family friendly product? Is this just a temporary solution to increase ratings and buyrates leading up to Wrestlemania? In 10 years, will we look upon Orton RKOing Stephanie in the same light as we look at Austin/Hart or the Austin 3:16 speech?
I firmly believe that the occurrences of the last two weeks is exactly what is needed to get more people back into wrestling. Hopefully, the progress is reflected on the bottomline in terms of buyrates and ratings so the WWE will continue to give us what we have been craving. I can honestly say, I haven't been this excited to see what will happen next for at least 4 or 5 years.